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Friday, July 26, 2024

£5300 Air a Chruinneachadh Airson Bethesda Mar Phàirt de Dhìleab: Metagama

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Bha pròiseact Dìleab, a bha a’ comharrachadh ceud bliadhna on a sheòl am Metagama à Steòrnabhagh air an 21mh Giblean 1923, air leth soirbheachail le ochd tachartasan a’ gabhail àite ann an sgoiltean Leòdhais anns a’ Mhàrt agus a’ Ghiblean 2023. 

Dh’aontaich Roinn Foghlam, Sgilean agus Seirbheisean Chloinne na Comhairle gur e Bethesda an cathrannas a chumadh iad taic ris tro airgead a chaidh a chruinneachadh aig na tachartasan seo. 

Chaidh an sùim mhìorbhaileach de £5300 a thogail agus chìthear sgoilearan a Bunsgoil Lacasdail, Carol Somerville agus Joanne NicFhearghais bho Bethesda agus Evelyn Coull NicLeòid, Comhairle nan Eilean Siar.

Thuirt Evelyn Coull NicLeòid:

“Tha sinn air leth toilichte an airgead seo a thoirt do Bhethesda. 

“Tha sinn air taingeil airson coibhneas ar coimhearsnachdan. 

“Bha Dìleab ag amas air ionnsachadh a thoirt dhan òigridh mu àm cudromach ann an eachdraidh ar h-eileanan agus cuideachd a bhith a’ leasachadh sgilean. 

“Tha a’ Chomhairle pròiseil as a’ phròiseact agus mar a tharraing e sean is òg ri chèile.”

Thuirt Carol Somerville, Manaidsear Bethesda: 

“Bha e na adhbhar pròis dhuinn a bhith an làthair aig cuirmean Dhìleab agus gun deach Bethesda a thaghadh mar a chathrannas ris an robhar a’ cumail taic. 

“Chaidh obair ionmholta a dhèanamh anns gach sgìre agus dh’ionnsaich sinn uile mòran mu dheidhinn ar n-eachdraidh. 

“Bha a’ chlann siùbhlach, tàlantach agus ealanta air an àrd ùrlar a’ taisbeanadh sgilean tro dhràma agus ceòl. 

“Tàing mhòr gu sgioba Dìleab agus gu Roinn an Fhoghlaim a thagh Bethesda. 

“Tha Bethesda aig cridhe ar coimhearsnachdan.”

Lewis Schools Raise £5300 for Bethesda as Part of Dìleab: Metagama

Comhairle nan Eilean Siar is happy to announce that the Dìleab: Metagama performances raised a total of £5300 for Bethesda Hospice.

The Dìleab project commemorating one hundred years of the sailing of the Metagama from Stornoway on the 21st of April 1923, was highly successful with eight performances taking place across Lewis in March and April 2023. 

The Department of Education, Skills and Children’s Services decided in early 2023 that all monies raised from a silver collection at the door of each event would be passed onto local charity, Bethesda Hospice.  

Pictured are pupils from Laxdale school, Carol Somerville and Joanne Ferguson from Bethesda and Evelyn Coull MacLeod, Comhairle nan Eilean Siar.

Comhairle nan Eilean Siar, Gaelic Education Manager, Evelyn Coull MacLeod, said:

“We are absolutely delighted to hand over this cheque to Bethesda. 

“We are grateful for the generosity shown by our island community. 

“The Dìleab projects aims were to educate our young people about this important time in the history of our island as well as giving pupils a chance to develop many skills. 

“I am delighted to say that it has all been a resounding success and proved to showcase how communities can come together at the highest possible level.”

Carol Somerville, Bethesda, added:

“It was a privilege to be included in this Dileab project, to be invited to watch the magnificent performances carried out by the schools and to learn, along with the children, about the sailing of the Metagama from Stornoway. 

“The productions were outstanding, both informative and entertaining, with the presentations depicting the loss to the Islands through script and song.

“Thank you to the Dileab Project Team and the Education Department for nominating the Bethesda Hospice to receive these essential funds. 

“Bethesda is at the heart of our community, with the community at its heart.”

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