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Friday, July 26, 2024

A Warm Welcome to Highland Probationer Teachers 2023  

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A new cohort of probationer teachers were welcomed to the Highlands at Millburn Academy last week, ahead of their first day today working in schools across the region.

Cllr John Finlayson, Education Chair said:

“I would like to offer my best wishes to every probationer teacher joining us today on their first day teaching in our schools.

“Probationer teachers play a key role in supporting our school community and we know they will commit fully to building positive relationships and learning experiences with their learners.

“The majority of our new probationers are living in Highland which showcases the wealth of talent that exists here in the locality.

“But I would like to particularly welcome the small group of probationer teachers who have relocated here from different parts of Scotland.

“To these individuals, we look forward to you bringing your skills and experiences with you and sharing these with our children and young people.

“We hope you are settling into your new communities, that you form lasting friendships here in the area, and you take advantage of all that the Highlands has to offer.”

There are 71 probationers starting in Highland through the Teacher Induction Scheme (TIS).

The scheme guarantees a 1-year training post in a local authority to eligible graduates and is run by GTC Scotland, on behalf of the Scottish Government.

This year, The Highland Council has 7 Gaelic primary probationers starting this term which is the largest group for a number of years.

Nicky Grant, Executive Chief Officer for Education and Learning added:

“This has been an exciting week for all in Education across The Highland Council, starting with the many achievements in our exam results across key measures and culminating in us welcoming our new probationers to their school communities.

“I hope to visit many of them in their school settings as the year progresses, starting with a programme of visits on 15 August.

“Our probationers will play a key role in supporting our learning and teaching agenda which is one of the four key Directorate priorities.

“This will be a vital part of their learning experience within our schools, and I very much look forward to sharing their successes with them over the next year.”

The probationer teachers’ induction event is the first of a wide range of professional learning events which run across the year, to support the needs of beginning teachers and their ongoing professional learning.

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