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An Deasbad Nàiseanta Air Ais 

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Tha obair ullachaidh mu choinneamh Deasbad Nàiseanta nan Àrd-sgoiltean 2022 air tòiseachadh agus tha a’ chomataidh rianachd air ainmeachadh cò bhios a strì an aghaidh a chèile sa chiad chuairt den fharpais. 

’S e seo a’ chiad uair a thèid Deasbad a chumail bho 2019, le Covid a’ cur bacadh air cùisean anns an dà bhliadhna mu dheireadh, agus tha a h-uile coltas ann gur e deagh bhliadhna a bhios ann don Dheasbad le fichead sgioba bho 15 sgoil clàraichte airson na farpaise! 

Thèid a’ chiad dà chuairt a chumail ann an Steòrnabhagh agus tha fàilte air daione a thadhail a-steach. 

Chaidh an taghadh airson a’ chiad chuairt mar a leanas:  

8 Samhain, Talla Baile Steòrnabhaigh, bho 1:00 feasgar
Sgoil MhicNeacail B V Acadamaidh Inbhir Narainn 
Sgoil Lìonacleit V Sgoil an Tairbeirt B
Sgoil Ghràmair Dhùn Òmhainn V Sgoil MhicNeacail A
Sgoil Bhàgh a’ Chaisteil B V Acadamaidh Dhrochaid an Easbaig A
Sgoil Bhàgh a’ Chaisteil A V Àrd-sgoil Loch Abair

8 Samhain, Talla Baile Steòrnabhaigh, bho 6:30 feasgar
Sgoil Ghàidhlig Ghlaschu V Àrd-sgoil Phort Rìgh
Sgoil an Tairbeirt A V Àrd-sgoil Gheàrrloch
Acadamaidh Rìoghail Bhail Dhubhthaich V Àrd-sgoil Sheumais Ghilleasbuig
Àrd-sgoil Àird nam Murchan V Acadamaidh Rìoghail Inbhir Nis B
Acadamaidh Dhrochaid an Easbaig B V Acadamaidh Rìoghail Inbhir Nis A

Leanaidh an dàrna cuairt air Diciadain 9 Samhain, a-rithist ann an Talla Baile Steòrnabhaigh, eadar 10:30m-1:00f is a-rithist bho 2:00f-5:00f.

Thèid na ceithir sgiobaidhean le na comharran as àirde troimhe chun nan iar-chuairtean deireannach a bhios air an cumail ann an Dùn Èideann air Dimàirt 29 agus Diciadain 30 den t-Samhain.

Tha a’ chomataidh a’ cur fàilte air ais do dh’Agnes Rennie a bhios na britheamh a-rithist agus còmhla rithe, airson a’ chiad uair, bidh Joy Dunlop agus Aonghas Mac’Illinnein.

Thuirt Evelyn Coull NicLeòid, Cathraiche air Comataidh Rianachd Deasbad Nàiseanta nan Àrd-sgoiltean: 

“Tha sinn air leth toilichte a bhith air ais còmhla gus Deasbad 2022 a chur air dòigh. 

“Bu mhath leam gu sònraichte taing a thoirt do na buidhnean a leanas airson maoineachadh agus taic a thoirt seachad dhuinn air a’ bhliadhna seo: Loganair, Bòrd na Gàidhlig, Riaghaltas na h-Alba, Comhairle nan Eilean Siar, Comhairle na Gàidhealtachd, Leasachadh Sgilean na h-Alba, Ùghdarras Teisteanas na h-Alba, BBC Craoladh nan Gàidheal agus Comhairle Baile Ghlaschu.” 

Chuir Calum Iain Macleòid, ball de Chomataidh Rianachd an Deasbaid, ri sin is e ag ràdh:

“Tha sinn air leth toilichte a bhith air ais le Deasbad Nàiseanta nan Àrd-sgoiltean an dèidh beàrn de dhà bhliadhna.

“Tha e cudromach airson iomadh diofar adhbhar gu bheil an Deasbad air ais, nam measg cothrom a thoirt do na sgoilearan a bhith a’ measgachadh le sgoilearan à diofar cheàrnaidhean de Alba agus cothrom sgilean ùra ionnsachadh.

“’S e sgilean sònraichte a th’ ann an sgilean deasbaid – sgilean rannsachaidh, còmhradh air beulaibh dhaoine eile, ag obair mar sgioba agus a’ cur phuingean tarsainn an dòigh reusanta airson daoine a thoirt timcheall gu do bheachd-sa – ’s e sgilean a tha seo a neartaicheas misneachd sna sgoilearan agus sgilean a bhios feumail dhaibh fad am beatha.

“Tha sinn air leth taingeil dha na sgoiltean airson an saothair agus an taic compàirteachaidh san fharpais aig àm far a bheil iad trang le obair sgoile an dèidh dà bhliadhna caran riaslach.”

Dh’aontaich an Comhairliche Calum Rothach, Cathraiche Comataidh Gàidhlig Comhairle na Gàidhealtachd, is e ag ràdh:

“Tha sinn air ar dòigh gu bheil an Deasbad Nàiseanta air ais an dèidh corra bliadhna a bha gu math dùbhlannach do sgoilearan ann an sgoiltean air feadh na sgìre againn.

“’S e tachartas cudromach anns an leabhar-latha Ghàidhlig agus chulturail a th’ anns an Deasbad gu nàiseanta, oir bidh àrd-sgoilearan a tha an sàs ann an ionnsachadh na Gàidhlig air feadh na dùthcha a’ gabhail pàirt agus tha e a’ toirt cothruim air leth do luchd-labhairt

“Gàidhlig òg na comasan cànain agus deasbaid aca a chleachdadh is a thaisbeanadh an dara cuid aig ìre ionadail agus gu nàiseanta.”

Lean e:

“Tha mi ro thoilichte gu bheil Loganair a’ leantainn orra le bhith a’ cumail taic ris an Deasbad.

“’S e eisimpleir math a th’ ann far a bheil gnìomhachas agus an Roinn Poblach a’ cur ri pròiseact agus a’ co-obrachadh los gun tèid taic a chumail ri, agus sealltainn gun cuirear luach air cho cudromach ’s a tha, an luchd-labhairt Gàidhlig òg againn; ’s iadsan tosgairean Gàidhlig is culturail an àm ri teachd. Bu thoil leam an cothrom a ghabhail taing a thoirt dhan a h-uile sgioba a ghabhas pàirt sa cho-fharpais.

“Gach buaidh is piseach orra!”

An Deasbad Nàiseanta – Gaelic National Schools Debate Returns

Preparations for an Deasbad Nàiseanta nan Àrd-sgoiltean (the National Gaelic Schools Debate) 2022 has begun and the organising committee has announced who will be competing against each other in the first round of the competition.

This is the first time the Deasbad will be held since 2019, with Covid leading to its cancellation in the last two years, and it promises to be a good year: 20 teams from 15 schools have registered for the competition.

The first two rounds will be held in Stornoway and members of the public are invited to attend.

The first round pairings are as follows:

8 November, Stornoway Town Hall, from 1pm
The Nicolson Institute B V Nairn Academy
Sgoil Lìonacleit V Sir E Scott School B
Dunoon Grammar School V The Nicolson Institute A
Castlebay Community School B V Bishopbriggs Academy A
Castlebay Community School A V Lochaber High School

8 November, Stornoway Town Hall, from 6:30pm
Sgoil Ghàidhlig Ghlaschu (Glasgow Gaelic School) V Portree High School
Sir E Scott School A V Gairloch High School
Tain Royal Academy V James Gillespie High School
Ardnamurchan High School V Inverness Royal Academy B
Bishopbriggs Academy B V Inverness Royal Academy A

The second round will follow on Wednesday 9 November, again in Stornoway Town Hall, between 10:30am-1:00pm and again between 2:00-5:00pm.

The four teams with the overall highest marks will progress to the semi-finals that will take place in Edinburgh on Tuesday 29 and Wednesday 30 November.

The committee welcomes back Agnes Rennie as judge who will be joined by first-time judges Joy Dunlop and Angus Maclennan.

Evelyn Coull Macleod, Chairperson of an Deasbad Nàiseanta’s Management Committee commented:

“We are delighted to be back together organising the 2022 Deasbad.

“We would especially like to thank the following groups for providing funding and support this year: Loganair, Bòrd na Gàidhlig, the Scottish Government, Comhairle nan Eilean Siar, Highland Council, Skills Development Scotland,  SQA, BBC Gaelic Broadcasting and Glasgow City Council.”

Calum Iain Macleod, Director of Development at Comunn na Gàidhlig and member of the Deasbad committee agreed, adding:

“It is important for a number of reasons that the Deasbad is back, among them, that it provides pupils with the opportunity to mix with pupils from other parts of Scotland and gives them the opportunity to learn new skills.

“Debating skills are specialist skills – research skills, conversing in front of other people, working as a team and presenting arguments in a reasonable manner to bring people around to your point of view.

“These are skills that increase pupils’ confidence and that will stand them in good stead for the rest of their lives.

“We are incredibly thankful to the schools for their hard work and support in participating in this competition at a time when they are busy with school work following two very challenging years.”

Councillor Calum Munro, Chair of the Highland Council Gaelic Committee, further added:

“We are delighted that the National Gaelic Debate is resuming after a challenging few years for pupils in schools across the area.

“The Debate is an important event on the national Gaelic and Cultural diary as it engages Secondary pupils who study Gaelic throughout the country and it provides an exceptional opportunity for young Gaelic speakers to use their linguistic and debating skills on both regional and national platforms.”

He continued:

“I’m delighted that Loganair are continuing to support the Debate.

“This is a good example of both business and public sectors investing and collaborating in order to support and value the importance of our young Gaelic speakers, as they will be the Gaelic and cultural ambassadors of the future.

“I wish to take this opportunity to thank all the Teams who will be entering and taking part, and wish you all the very best.”

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