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Friday, July 26, 2024

Be a Part of The Human Chain Across Scotland

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The Chain Of Freedom Scotland – COFS – will be an Independence Event like no other held in Scotland. 

This monumental and historic event is being organised by a very small admin team of grassroots supporters, led by Judith Reid and Wilma Bowie, from Inverness.  

This pair of Highland Quines (both originally from the East Coast but residing in the Highland Capital) are vying for the Independence Movement to put any and all differences aside to galvanise for all that is good in regaining Scottish Independence.

COFS Admin Judith Reid stated:

“The Chain of Freedom Scotland is without doubt one of the biggest challenges in organisational terms for our Independence movement.

“We hope to galvanise a chain of Independence supporters, with their saltires, to link hand to hand the breadth of the central belt – East to West, Bowling Harbour, Bowling to Lochrin Basin, Edinburgh.  

“A distance of app 66 miles, which should take around 77,000 people to complete the chain.  

“The route to be used is the canal/ cycle path (NCR754) – which the team are dividing into 11 sections with subsections of approximately a mile each. 

“All Individuals, Yes and Indy Groups nationwide, of which some have already joined will be allocated sections/subsections which they can take ownership of to organise and promote, with the assistance of the COFS admin team.

“There is a misconception that a group or family of 4,6,10 isn’t enough to register!

“Of course, you are!

“Every one of us is essential in participating.

“So get registered, get family, friends and work colleagues signed up and register your preferred link.

“COFS admin team will be issuing each group, with permissions, a list of individuals who have chosen to stand in their particular section.

“On our long journey to present day, we have sadly lost many staunch Independence supporters and to honour them, we will encourage you to write their names onto a saltire for you to bring along, so they are represented.

“This is a family friendly event where musical instruments, singing voices and good cheer will be on show!

“To the nitty gritty of it.. this event is planned with specific timing and relies on all those participating to be aware of scheduled timings and specific entry and exit points to your link.

“It is so important that each section has the number of people required to make up that link.

“So please assist us in ensuring that this can be achieved, by not just ‘rockin up’ to anywhere.

“Don’t be that missing link! 

“I know we can do this, us Scots are nothing but thrawn and determined, so let’s do this together. 

“Not only for us here in Scotland, but for all of our supporters afar, who continually post and comment on our socials.

“We have people coming from Sweden, America, Australia and Ireland so come on Scotland together we can ensure COFS worldwide visual success.

“We will send out specific guidelines for each section to ensure all participants health and safety are at the forefront, nearer the time. 

“At 12.30 everyone reaches out to the person on either side and holds hands or can hold a saltire outstretched between them. 

“To enable sufficient time for footage to be filmed for a short programme about the Chain of Freedom, photographs, drone filming and media coverage a standing time of 20 minutes is asked for.  

“During this time participants may also be approached by the media for either written or filmed interviews, which they can do, if they feel comfortable doing so.

“Once the static time has ceased it will be up to each person to disperse in a safe manner.

“Lots have indicated that they intend on setting up a wee picnic, listen to some of the folks that have taken their instruments with them, go into some of the local shops/pubs or go onward bound to attend the YES 2 Independence Rally at Glasgow Green.  

“If they do so, they should arrive at Glasgow Green approximately at the same time as the marchers, which will be a monumental spectacle.

“The whole ethos of this event is to bring Independence people together.

“To have a spectacular show of being United For Scotland’s Independence. 

“The COFS team are encouraging everyone to put party politics, and personalities aside… we may not see eye to eye on some things, but we should stand hand in hand to put Scotland’s Independence first and foremost.”

COFS Admin, Wilma Bowie says:

“The support that we are receiving for this event has been amazing and is growing by the day.  

“We have actor Alan Cumming’s support, and he made a wonderful promotional video for us.

“Lesley Riddoch, journalist and writer, continues to assist us with advice and introductions to her network of professionals and colleagues, that are now also working alongside us for this event. 

“Of course, not to be forgotten, is our amazing Silent Clansman who pops up all over the country to do promo videos for us.

“Independence Live, Scottish Independent Podcasters, Scottish Passport Video Record and SAORSA have been amazing with promotional interviews and videos and some will also be filming ‘lives’ and making a short programme about the Chain of Freedom – Scotland, on the day.

“It’s great to also be working alongside other Independence groups such as AUOB, Yes2, Salvo and a network of Yes Groups/Hubs.  

“We are really all leading by example. 

“This is how the Yes movement can be – if the will to work together for Independence is strong enough.”

The Chain of Freedom Scotland already has participants from all political parties, MPs, MSPs, Councillors, all agreeing to put party politics aside for a day, and join us purely as Independence supporters, with their family and friends.  

However, the Chain of Freedom participants don’t stop at the Scottish Borders.

There is a party of people flying into Inverness from Sweden to travel along with InverYess to support their ‘neighbours’ with their fight for Independence and people have already joined and booked flights from Australia and the USA.  

This event is attracting interest from all over the world.

Volunteers have been leafleting their areas and promoting the event via their social media channels.  

One volunteer, Paul, has been especially proactive leafletting the younger generations at Colleges and Universities across Glasgow and is going to leaflet at TRANSMT. 

Others are volunteering as Stewards, photographers, Drone operators, First Aiders on the day.  

Admin Phil Murphy added:

“We’d like to say a big thank you for the support of everyone who has already registered, it’s helping massively to distribute the numbers of participants evenly over all the links in the chain so we have no gaps”.

To join in this event couldn’t be easier.

A new website was launched on 24 June by Judith and Wilma who spoke at the AUOB Stirling Rally.  www.chainoffreedom.scot

This will take you directly to our joining form.  

These links are also throughout their own Facebook, Twitter, TikTok and Instagram as well as on any leaflets which also includes a handy QR code.

Contact details

EMAIL – scotlandfreedomchain@gmail.com

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