This week’s planned Moray Council meetings will be postponed as a mark of respect for Her Majesty The Queen.
A special Full Council meeting will take place on Wednesday 14 September at 9.30am.
The meeting will call on Civic Leader, Cllr John Cowe, to send a letter of condolence to His Majesty King Charles on behalf of Moray Council and residents.
Changes to committee meetings this week are detailed below:
Audit and Scrutiny Committee due to take place on Wednesday 14 September – cancelled as non-essential business.
Future meeting date to be determined.
Special Education, Children’s and Leisure Services Committee due on Wednesday 14 September – postponed until the day of Full Council on Wednesday 28 September.
Local Review Body due to take place on Thursday 15 September – cancelled as non-essential business.
Future meeting date to be determined.
Community and parent councils are invited to make their own decisions on whether or not to proceed.
There is no Moray-wide directive but the general position for public meetings is essential and inescapable business only.