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Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Cothrom Leasachaidh do Dhaoine òga a nì Filmichean

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Tha an Youth LAG, buidheann-gnìomh òg OH CLLD, a’ tabhann cothruim air leth do chuideigin fo aois 30 a tha, no a tha ag amas air a bhith, a’ dèanamh fhilmichean gu proifeiseanta.

Tha iad air buidseat de £4,000 a chomharrachadh a leigeas leis an neach cheart na sgilean proifeiseanta aca a leasachadh agus cuideachd obair a dhèanamh air film a bhios a’ taisbeanadh obair an Youth LAG gu h-ionadail agus gu nàiseanta.

Tha leasachadh proifeiseanta mar phàirt dheatamach dhen phròiseact agus cuiridh seo le dà amas a th’ aig an YLAG: a bhith a’ toirt cothruim do dhaoine òga sgilean ionnsachadh agus a leasachadh, agus a’ cur ri fèin-ùghdarras eaconomach nan Eilean Siar.

Bidh tòrr sùbailteachd aig an neach-film mu dè sheòrsa leasachaidh a tha iad airson a dhèanamh; dh’fhaodadh iad mar eisimpleir ag obair còmhla ri oide no eòlaiche, a’ dèanamh cùrsa no teisteanas, no a’ dol a dh’fhuireach an àiteigin son cuspair sònraichte a rannsachadh no ag obair air a’ phròiseact aca fhèin.

Tha obair filmidh mar phàirt den phròiseact cuideachd, leis an amas gun tèid inbhe YLAGan a thogail gu h-ionadail agus gu nàiseanta.

Bithear ag iarraidh air an neach òg film goirid de mu 3-5 mionaidean ullachadh a bhios a’ taisbeanadh Youth LAG Innse Gall le cuideam sònraichte air dùthchas & dualchas – prìomhachas eile a shònraich an Youth LAG.

Feumar cuideachd a’ cur ri film nàiseanta mu obair YLAGan agus gabhaidh sin a dhèanamh mar phàirt den fhilm ionadail no fa leth.

Gheibhear fios mionaideach mun phròiseact an seo: https://cne-siar.gov.uk/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/YLAG-film-Professional-Development-brief-FINAL.pdf

Airson cur a-steach, bu chòir litir-chòmhdachaidh cho math ri moladh air ciamar a dhèanar an obair agus eisimpleir de dh’obair a rinneadh roimhe a chur gu ohclld@cne-siar.gov.uk.

Feumaidh iarrtasan a bhith a-staigh ro mheadhan-latha air Diardaoin 4mh den Fhaoilleach 2024 agus thèid agallamhan a chumail air an 17mh den Fhaoilleach.

Thuirt Torcull Macleòid, fear de bhuill an YLAG:

“Tha ùidh mhòr againn ann a bhith a’ leasachadh sgilean dhaoine òga agus tha sinn den bheachd gur e pròiseact cruthachail air leth a tha seo son an dearbh rud sin a dhèanamh.

“Ma tha thu fo 30, a’ buntainn ris na h-Eileanan no a’ fuireach annta, ma tha ùidh agad sa chultair agus thusa a’ dèanamh fhilmichean gu proifeiseanta no ag obair gu ruige an amas sin, na bi leisg sam bith a chur a-steach airson a’ chothruim seo gus an comas agad filmichean proifeiseanta a dhèanamh a thoirt air adhart.”

Tha am pròiseact seo a’ togail air beachd an Youth LAG cothrom air mhuinntearas a thabhann do neach-ealain òg às na h-Eileanan.

Cha do cheadaich an tìde sin a thoirt air adhart chun na h-ìre a bu lùigeadh iad am-bliadhna agus mar sin chaidh am pròiseact seo a dhealbhadh na àite.

Beachdaichidh an Youth LAG a-rithist air sgeama muinntireas an-ath-bhliadhna ge-tà.

Tha obair an YLAG air a maoineachadh tro bhuidheann-gnìomh Leasachadh fo Stiùir na Coimhearsnachd Innse Gall (OH CLLD LAG) agus le Riaghaltas na h-Alba.

Youth LAG Offers Opportunity for a Young Filmmaker

The Youth Local Action Group (Youth LAG), which forms part of the Outer Hebrides CLLD initiative, are offering a fantastic opportunity for someone who is currently, or aims to become, a professional filmmaker.

They have set aside a budget of £4,000 to allow the right person to develop their professional skills and also work on a film to showcase the Youth LAG’s work locally and nationally.

Professional development forms a critical part of the project and will support two of the YLAG’s aims: enabling young people to learn and develop skills, and supporting economic autonomy in the Outer Hebrides.

The young filmmaker will have a lot of flexibility regarding how to develop their skills; they might work alongside a tutor or expert, complete a course or qualification, or undertake a residency to research a certain topic or work on their own project.

Working on a film forms a further part of the project, with the aim of raising the profile of Youth LAGs locally and nationally.

The young filmmaker will be asked to produce a short film of about 3-5 minutes to showcase the Outer Hebrides Youth LAG which should have a specific focus on a Dùthchas & Dulachas element which is a further priority identified by the Youth LAG.

Footage is also to be contributed to a national film about Youth LAG activity which can either be recorded as part of the local film or separately.

Further detail about the project is available here: https://cne-siar.gov.uk/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/YLAG-film-Professional-Development-brief-FINAL.pdf

To apply, you should submit a covering letter as well as a proposal how you intend to undertake the project and examples of previous work to ohclld@cne-siar.gov.uk 

Applications must be submitted by midday on Thursday 4th January 2024 and interviews will be held on 17th January.

Torcull Macleod, one of the Youth LAG members, said:

“We have a strong interest in the development of skills in young people and think this is a fantastic and creative project to do just that.

“If you are under 30, reside in or are from the Outer Hebrides, have an interest in local culture, and are a professional filmmaker or working towards becoming one, please do not hesitate to apply to this opportunity to develop your filmmaking career.”

This project arose as a result of the Youth LAG’s desire to offer an artist residency for a young islander.

It proved impossible to properly develop this idea due to time restraints and the YLAG Film & Professional Development project was therefore developed in its place.

The Youth LAG will revisit the idea of hosting an artist residency during next year’s programme though.

Youth LAG activity is funded by the Outer Hebrides Community Led Local Development Local Action Group (OH CLLD LAG) and the Scottish Government.

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