Members of the Highland Council’s Housing and Property Committee today (31 January 2024) approved a 7.95% increase in Council house rents for 2024/25.
The average Council house rent in Highland will increase from £83.17 per week to £89.85 per week (an average increase of £6.68 per week).
It was also agreed that this percentage increase of 7.95% will be applied to all other Housing Revenue Account rents and service charges and to Gypsy/Traveller site pitches.
The rent increase reflects the increased costs of delivering housing services to Council tenants but rents still remain below average Council house rents and significantly lower than average housing association rents elsewhere in Scotland.
Housing and Property Committee Chair, Cllr Glynis Sinclair said:
“The Committee was faced with a very difficult set of circumstances in considering Council house rents for next year.
“Members carefully considered the affordability impacts for individuals when setting rents for 2024/25 and balanced that against the impact of cost inflation, loan borrowing charges and the continuing need to fund future investment in Council housing.
“We have listened to feedback from our tenants and feel that the 7.95% increase agreed is necessary in order to deliver services to tenants and invest in our housing stock.”
The full report is available here (Item 4).