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Friday, July 26, 2024

Council to Consult on Inverness Common Good Land

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Area of undeveloped land at 17 Longman Drive, Inverness 

The Highland Council has, on 26 April 2023, launched a Common Good consultation giving the Inverness community until  23 June 2023  to respond to a proposal to dispose of an area of 2145m² of undeveloped land adjacent to 17 Longman Drive, Inverness to the existing tenants of 17 Longman Drive and to change the use of the land to commercial use in connection with their business.

This land forms part of Inverness Common Good land.

The area of land subject to this consultation is a triangular parcel of land lying between 17 Longman Drive and a neighbouring electricity sub-station site.

It does not have vehicular access and only restricted pedestrian access.

It has been assessed as deriving title from the Royal Charter of Inverness of King James VI and, as such, is considered to be Common Good land.

Brandon Landscaping Limited have approached the Council seeking to lease the undeveloped parcel of land and incorporate it into their existing lease of 17 Longman Drive.

This proposal would see this previously unused and undeveloped area of land being taken into commercial use and becoming income generating for the benefit of Inverness Common Good fund.

Full details of the proposal are contained in the consultation document referred to below.  

The Council is keen to hear the community’s views on the proposal and all submissions will be given full regard before a decision on whether to proceed is made.

The full consultation document is available at: https://www.highland.gov.uk/downloads/download/2237/land_adjacent_to_17_longman_drive_inverness

In terms of the process, please refer to the guidance available at: https://www.highland.gov.uk/downloads/file/20138/process_for_disposal_or_change_of_use_of_property

Please submit written responses either by email to common.good@highland.gov.uk or by post to Sara Murdoch, The Highland Council HQ, Glenurquhart Road, Inverness, IV3 5NX.

Consultation representations, responses and any final decision will be published on the Council website.

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