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Friday, July 26, 2024

Delivered in The First 100 Days of Yousaf Government

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The SNP has marked the milestone of 100 days since Humza Yousaf was sworn in as First Minister, by publishing a list of actions and initiatives undertaken by the new administration.

In the first 100 days, Humza Yousaf and his government has delivered a series of measures, including:

  • Tripling the fuel insecurity fund from £10 million last year to £30 million in 2023-24.
  • Announcing £15m funding to deliver free after-school and holiday clubs across Scotland.
  • Awarding more than £15m to a range of projects supporting people affected by problem substance use.
  • Announcing £25m investment to support the North East’s Just Transition.
  • Awarding £1m of support for GP practices to help tackle health inequalities.
  • Publishing the first annual report on the Tackling Child Poverty Delivery Plan.
  • Publishing a new national strategy, backed by £2m investment this year, to help cut violent crime further and reduce the harm it causes.
  • Hosting a cross-party summit on tackling poverty and inequality in Scotland.
  • Launching a new Cancer Strategy as well as publishing a refreshed Stroke Improvement Plan.
  • Confirming emergency measures to protect tenants during the cost of living crisis will be extended.
  • Signing the Verity House Agreement with COSLA, a transformative new deal for local government in Scotland.
  • Providing funding to help Scotland’s successful food and drink sector to grow sustainably over the next five years.
  • Establishing the New Deal for Business Group to deepen links with the private sector.
  • Setting out the Scottish Government’s plans for a written constitution in an independent Scotland.

Marking the milestone, Scotland’s Deputy First Minister Shona Robison said:

“The first 100 days of Humza Yousaf’s new administration have seen rapid delivery in areas that matter to people in Scotland.

“We are putting people’s needs at the heart of everything the Scottish Government does, not least supporting struggling families during the cost-of-living crisis.

“Against the backdrop of the damage done by Brexit and cuts from Westminster, the Scottish Government is delivering meaningful support to those most hard-pressed, and investing in our public services.

“The record also shows this to be an open and inclusive government, with a willingness to listen to reasonable concerns and change course where necessary.

“With a lot more to do, we are determined to continue earning people’s trust.

“In just 44 days, Tory Prime Minister Liz Truss managed to trash the economy and leave a mess that we are all still paying the price for.

“That is a graphic illustration of the need for Scotland to gain the full powers of independence, so that we can avoid the damage from Westminster and do more for the people of Scotland.”

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