The Highland Council invites members of the community to attend a drop-in event next week to view current plans and proposals for the new Broadford Primary School building ahead of a Planning application submission.
The event will take place at Broadford Village Hall on Thursday 18th April 2024 from 3pm-7pm.
A new school building for Broadford was included in Phase 2 of the Scottish Government’s Learning Estate Investment Programme (LEIP) that was announced in December 2020.
The LEIP aims to create and maintain high quality school buildings that support a range of outcomes, such as improved energy efficiency, digital learning and teaching, and economic growth.
Funding for the capital project is included in the revised 5-year capital programme approved by The Highland Council in September 2023.
This event will be open to all members of the community and attendees are encouraged to complete the feedback forms that will be available at the event.
School staff, Council officials and members of the project design team will also be in attendance.
The presentation boards and feedback form will be available online after the event on The Highland Council’s School Estate Management webpage
Feedback can also be emailed to