Works on the Inverness West Link Stage 2 were suspended on the 24 March 2020 following COVID-19 guidance from the Scottish Government.
The Highland Council has been in dialogue with Contractors RJ McLeod and has agreed that essential works are required to begin to address safety issues but primarily the works to be undertaken are to provide for physical distancing and encourage active travel, walking, wheeling and cycling as part of, and to augment the successful Spaces for People project.
Colin Howell Head of Infrastructure said:
“We have been working hard to provide measures to allow physical distancing and greater opportunities for active travel in Inverness.
“We have been in discussion with RJ MacLeod and we are pleased that they are prepared to recommence works that will re-establish General Booth Road and the active travel routes associated with it.
“They will also be undertaking works that formed part of the approved bid for the Spaces for People project.
“We have reviewed their method statements and risk assessments and are satisfied that they comply with they have clearly been developed using necessary guidance associated with the Covid-19 pandemic.’’
Steve Scott, Project manager with RJ McLeod confirmed:
“The planned work will consist of Covid-19 measures around the site and works to allow the re-opening of General Booth Road.
“All personnel will be from the local area and will be briefed on the requirements for the 2m social distancing between their work colleagues and the public.
“We would appreciate the assistance from the public when passing through the site in adhering to social distancing guidelines for members of staff and other members of the public.’’