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Friday, July 26, 2024

EU Retained Law Bill Presents Real Fear to Scottish Exporters

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Scottish exporters have expressed their ‘real fear’ presented by the UK Government’s Retained EU Law Bill.

Donna Fordyce, Chief Executive of Seafood Scotland told the Scottish Parliament’s Constitution, Europe and External Affairs committee that Brexit has already been a ‘shock to the system’ and that further deregulation and lower standards proposed in the bill present a ‘real fear’ to exporters.

The committee also heard from National Farmers Union Scotland’s Director of Policy Jonnie Hall that it has ‘significant concerns’ about the bill, not least the ‘lack of clarity and certainty’.

Elspeth MacDonald from the Scottish Fishermen’s Federation told how the legislation has been ‘rushed’, sitting in contrast with the Scottish Government’s measured approach to consulting on the Future Catching Policy.

Commenting, SNP MSP Alasdair Allan said:

“The evidence given from some of Scotland’s leading industries in food and drink is absolutely damning of the UK government’s EU Retained Law Bill.

“It also highlights how Scotland’s industries can only flourish in an independent Scotland as part of the EU.

“Industries across Scotland have been hammered by Brexit, with spiralling costs and red tape.

“They do not need further uncertainty, and that is why this bill needs to be ditched by the Tories.

“Not only will the bill provide even more uncertainty for exporters, but it is also a bare-faced power grab from the Scottish Parliament.

“These are laws that should be made in Scotland, not imposed by the UK Government.

“Brexit has been a disaster for Scotland and this bill will just further compound the misery for Scotland’s world-class industries.

“However, there is no way back to the EU for Scotland under Westminster control, with Labour signed up as a fully pro-Brexit party.

“That is why the only way for Scotland to escape the chaos of Westminster and re-join the European Union is with independence.”

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