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Friday, July 26, 2024

Even More People in Na h-Eileanan an Iar See Brexit as a Mistake

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Only Independence can give Scotland a different path from the economically damaging choices of the UK Government

Na h-Eileanan an Iar SNP MP Angus MacNeil says constituents can only escape the chaos and damage of Brexit with the full powers of independence.

It comes after a poll conducted by UnHerd, a digital political news forum, found that now 60% of respondents in Na h-Eileanan an Iar agreed that the UK was wrong to leave the EU.

The same pattern was seen in every other Scottish constituency.

It follows the Referendum result in 2016 where 56% of voters in Na h-Eileanan an Iar voted to remain in the EU.

Recent polls have suggested the figure across Scotland is now as high as 72% as the damage of Brexit hits hard.

Commenting, Mr MacNeil said:

“People in our islands and across Scotland as a whole voted overwhelmingly to remain in the EU in 2016 and daily people who previously supported Leave are changing their minds.

“However, Scotland had no independent voice to deal with Brexit and with a London media bombarding us with an alien message of ‘leave’, we’ve been dragged out against our will and forced to endure the economic hardship that has come with it. 

“Brexit has been a total disaster for the islands and Scotland, decimating industries, exacerbating the Tory-made cost of living crisis and making it more difficult for people to come and work and live here and with our projected falling population that is not a good thing at all.  

“After three years of Brexit, the UK has nothing to show for it but a declining economy and falling reputation abroad. 

“Trade with other countries for our fish and shellfish merchants is now more costly with the UK unable to export anywhere in Europe, in fact across the world, without mountains of costly paperwork.

“People in Na h-Eileanan an Iar deserve better but will only be able to choose to return to the EU if we have the full powers of independence. 

“For a better future it is obvious independence is the sensible choice that many other normal nations have made.”

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