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Friday, July 26, 2024

Event to Help Make The Most Out of Your Timber

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Farmers, crofters and woodland owners are being invited to an event to help them best manage their woodlands and make the most out of the timber.

The free event is being organised by the Integrating Trees Network, which is a farmer-led initiative supported by Scottish Forestry and Scottish Government.

A range of experts from both farming and forestry will be on hand to share their advice and practical experiences during the webinar which is being held on Thursday 2nd March 6-7pm.

Forestry and Farming Development Officer at Scottish Forestry, Lyn White, said:

“The Integrating Trees Network events have proved very popular and we always welcome more people to take part.

“It’s a great way to make new contacts and hear direct from others who have on the ground experience of growing trees.  

“In this event, we will be discussing how best to manage your timber crop, including weed control, pruning and thinning to create a quality, valuable end product.

“We will also discuss how to optimise the value from your established timber resource and what your options are, whether it be saw logs, home use, selling to local sawmills or furniture makers.”

At the event, Farmers Richard Lockett from Knockbain Farm, Dingwall, and Andrew Barbour from Mains of Fincastle, Pitlochry, will be joined by representatives of the Scottish Furniture Makers Association and Association of Scottish Hardwood Sawmillers.

Scottish Forestry will also  be on  hand to discuss  felling permissions and forestry grants to help support the management of woodlands.

You can book a free place here and find out more about the Integrating Trees Network here.

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