The first step in the preparation of the town centre masterplan for Fort William has been completed by Threesixty Architecture.
Throughout the first stage process, meetings have been held with key stakeholders, as well as a review of all existing strategies and policy documents covering the town.
At a stakeholder engagement event on Monday 2 October, the findings and initial ideas on how the town can look will be presented.
A wider public engagement session will be held in November and the time and date will be advertised shortly.
Economy and Infrastructure Committee Chair, Cllr Ken Gowans said:
“We are delighted that the Fort William Town Centre Masterplan is progressing and now at a stage where over the coming months, key stakeholders and the public can begin to visualise how a modern and inclusive Fort William Town Centre could look and work.
“This process is an opportunity for the public to contribute and work collaboratively with the design team.”
Architect-Director for Threesixty, Rory Kellet said:
“We have enjoyed hearing from a diverse range of interests in the town.
“It is very clear that the there is a shared ambition to transform Fort William Town Centre into a vibrant, textured, varied, safe and inclusive place to live, work and play.
“Threesixty look forward to sharing our findings with stakeholders and some of our initial thoughts to improve the town centre.
“The event next month will assist in refining our proposals for consideration by the public in November.”
The development of the Masterplan is a collaborative effort between The Highland Council, Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) and Lochaber Chamber of Commerce.