Winter is a time when everyone’s household energy bills increase, especially when energy prices are going up.
If you are struggling to pay your heating bills, help and support is available.
The Highland Council’s Welfare Support Team provide free, impartial and confidential support to claim all benefits and entitlements including some help to heat your home.
Please contact the Welfare Support Team by telephone: 0800 090 1004 or email:
You can also contact, Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB) who have a specialist team of Energy Advisors who can undertake a range of energy checks which are designed to help with reducing domestic fuel bills.
CAB Energy Advisers can be contacted on 01463 237664.
In addition, the Worrying About Money? guide covers information for people waiting for claims to be assessed as well as those already receiving benefits.
Topics including advice on what to do if anyone finds themselves having a sudden loss of income or if their statutory sick pay does not cover their living expenses.
There is also information on how to apply to the Scottish Welfare Fund, maximising income and benefit advice, debt advice and how to challenge a decision.
The Worrying About Money Guide is available on the Highland Council website by clicking here.