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Friday, July 26, 2024

Highland Council Leader Expresses Thanks to Staff for Their Efforts During Extreme Weather Events

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The Leader of Highland Council Cllr Raymond Bremner today expressed his gratitude to staff for their “monumental efforts,” during the recent extreme weather.

Cllr Bremner thanked everyone involved in the local authority emergency response to Storm Babet over the weekend and during the period of extreme weather which Highland experienced the previous week.

He said:

“We have experienced some truly awful weather in Highland over the past fortnight and on behalf of the Council I would like to pay tribute to the monumental efforts of our staff who found themselves at the sharp end of the multi-agency response.

“Sadly, we are seeing more incidences of extreme weather as the world continues to see the very real impact of climate change.”

Highland Council regularly reviews and exercises its emergency plans, business continuity plans, processes, and operational readiness for extreme weather.

Cllr Bremner said:

“By preparing our plans and responses to such events throughout the year, the Council is better equipped to support our multi-agency partners and help protect communities when emergencies occur.”

He added:

“Recently, our operational teams have been on the frontline dealing with a range of emergency situations, such as keeping our roads clear of fallen trees, clearing culverts and drains and providing sandbag support to properties affected by flooding.”

The Leader also paid tribute to the efforts of the Council’s housing teams, health and social care teams, communications staff and call handling team, saying:

“Everyone went above and beyond the call of duty to ensure continuity of service and support for our communities during the severe weather.”

He added:

“Thankfully the weather has settled down at the start of this week, but our staff continue to deal with the impacts of Storm Babet.

“Our roads teams will be back out again today clearing gullies and drains in preparation for more bad weather, as I am sure we have not seen the last of the rain.

“In addition to this our roads teams will be focusing on gritting our roads with the colder weather now presenting an ice risk, created by the standing water which still remains after the weekend storm.”

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