Members of the Corporate Resources Committee have welcomed The Highland Council’s sign up to the Scottish Government Young Person’s Guarantee Scheme.
Highland Council is supporting young people through the Young Person’s Guarantee Scheme with the aim of developing a community planning partnership approach and further develop the further developing the ‘My Future My Success’ programme to help retain young talent within Highland.
The Young Person’s Guarantee is a joint commitment to provide opportunities for all 16–24-year-olds in Scotland through careers education and mentoring, jobs, apprenticeships, further and higher education, training programmes and volunteering.
Cllr Derek Louden, Chair of Corporate Resources Committee said:
“We are delighted to announce our commitment to the Young Person’s Guarantee.
“Providing opportunities for our young people will help retain young people in local communities.
“We believe that investing in young people is an investment in the successful long-term future for Highland.
“The Young Person’s Guarantee will also make it easier for us to connect with young people.”
Sandra McCaughey, Employer Engagement Manager, DYW (Developing the Young Workforce) added:
“We are delighted that Highland Council have formally demonstrated their commitment to supporting the young persons guarantee.
“As a significant employer in the area they join a growing number of other organisations who are focused on developing young people and supporting them into the world of work. We look forward to continuing our close partnership with them.”
The My Future, My Success programme offers mentoring and learning opportunities to young people approaching school leaving age with barriers to achieve a sustained destination with a focus on learners who have a barrier to attending.
More than 10% of the mentors come from Highland Council staff or councillors.
The Council’s Employability Service looks to provide around 30 paid work experience placements within the Council per year – offering 6-month (or 12-month placements for Care Experienced Young People with mentoring support).
Through the HERO (Highland Employment Recruitment Offer) scheme administered by the Council an anticipated 75 young people will be employed in the next 12 months.
The HERO scheme is a recruitment incentive to local business to recruit out of work young people.
The Council and partners are also in the process of developing a paid work experience programme for young people interested in working in the Care Sector – focused on care at home and care home – with trainee allowances.
Highland Council is committed to providing work experience and where possible supports requests from schools/colleges.
The Council is also committed to supporting the most vulnerable young people particularly with barriers to attendance and vulnerabilities to achieving a positive destination after education.