Douglas Ross has no credibility to continue.
The SNP has called on Holyrood Tory MSPs to hold a vote of no confidence in Douglas Ross’s leadership branding him as unable to lead the Scottish Tories with “any credibility at all” after he confirmed he did not have confidence in Boris Johnson.
The SNP Depute Leader said the Scots Tory leader‘s position is now untenable after voting to boot out his boss, Boris Johnson.
In a radio interview, Tory Chief Whip at Holyrood Stephen Kerr alleged that Douglas Ross has been “completely consistent” in his position on Boris Johnson – but was confronted with evidence of how Douglas Ross had switched positions continually.
Keith Brown MSP said:
“The one consistency with Douglas Ross has been his inconsistency.
“In his fourth position on the issue this year, last night Douglas Ross finally decided – once again – that he has no confidence in the Prime Minister and his own party leader.
“So how can he continue to front up the branch office of the Tories, who are led from Westminster by Boris Johnson?
“If the Holyrood Tories had any backbone they would hold their own indicative vote of no confidence in his leadership.
“The people of Scotland haven’t voted for the Tories since the 1950s and only two Scottish MPs supported the Prime Minister.
“We are now in the ridiculous situation where the Cabinet member who is meant to represent Scotland doesn’t even represent the opinion of his own party in Scotland.
“It just underlines the democratic deficit Scotland faces with Westminster control.
“Douglas Ross can’t claim to represent the interests of the people of Scotland if he meekly accepts that status, but he could at least wake up to his own hypocrisy.
“Douglas Ross’s latest view on Boris Johnson is that he’s not fit to run the country.
“It would be impossible, therefore, to foresee a situation where Douglas Ross can continue to lead the Scottish Conservatives with any credibility at all.”