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Friday, July 26, 2024

How The Highland Council is Addressing The Climate & Ecological Emergency in The Inner Moray Firth Area 

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As the world fights to address the effects of climate change, The Highland Council is committed to doing whatever it can to support the environment, reduce emissions and mitigate the ecological emergency. 

In the preparation of the Inner Moray Firth Local Development Plan (IMFLDP), the Council has put the climate and ecological emergency at the very core of the plan making process.

This work has not only included a more focused approach to zoning sites for future developments but includes a set of new overarching planning policies that will apply to planning applications of the future.

These new policies will, amongst other things, require new buildings to achieve at least a 75% reduction in carbon emissions when assessed against current standards (Policy 1: Low Carbon Development), contribute to the enhancement of biodiversity, including reversing biodiversity loss (Policy 2: Nature Protection, Preservation and Enhancement), more robust protection of existing urban green and blue spaces (Policy 4: Greenspaces), the creation of an interconnected network of wildlife and habitat corridors (Policy 5: Green Networks) and a requirement for developments to demonstrate that walking, wheeling, cycling and public transport are an attractive way to get about (Policy 14: Transport).

Malcolm Macleod, the Council’s Executive Chief Officer for Infrastructure and the Environment said:

“I hope our Inner Moray Firth communities will support these important new policies and we encourage everyone to read the proposed plan and share any views you may have.”   

A detailed ‘how to access the plan and comment’ section is available, along with online videos on the webpage to help guide you through the document and explain how to submit comments. 

Malcolm added:

“There is still time to take part and have your say but please remember that the deadline for comments is midday on 17 June 2022 and they must be submitted in writing.”

To take part visit – www.highland.gov.uk/imf

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