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Friday, July 26, 2024

Independence About Securing a Partnership of Equals

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Speaking in her keynote address to the SNP conference in Aberdeen, SNP Leader and First Minister Nicola Sturgeon will reach out directly to people across Scotland who are as yet unpersuaded of the case of independence, saying that becoming independent will recast the relationship between the nations of these islands to one of a relationship of equals.
She will also outline how the economy of an independent Scotland will benefit all of its citizens.
The First Minister is expected to say:
“I know some see independence as turning our back on the rest of the UK.

“It is not – it is about recasting our relationship as one of equals.
“There is a point here that at first glance might seem curious – but it is in my view, becoming increasingly true.
“Independence is actually the best way to protect the partnership on which the United Kingdom was founded – a voluntary partnership of nations.
“Right now, an aggressive unionism is undermining that partnership.
“Westminster’s denial of Scottish democracy.

“Full frontal attacks on devolution.

“A basic lack of respect.

“It is these which are causing tension and fraying the bonds between us.
“Scottish independence can reset and renew the whole notion of nations working together for the common good.
“England, Scotland, Wales, the island of Ireland. 

“We will always be the closest of friends.

“We will always be family.

“But we can achieve a better relationship  – a true partnership of equals – when we win Scotland’s independence.”
The First Minister is expected to add, in relation to the forthcoming economic prospectus paper to be published by the Scottish Government:
“Our economic prospectus will make the economic case for independence.

“It will set out how we can build a new, sustainable economy based on our massive renewable energy resources, and it will show how in an independent Scotland, we can deliver lower energy prices and stronger security of supply.
“Unlike our UK counterparts, the Scottish Government will not be lifting the ban on fracking.
“In the economic prospectus we will set out how in an independent Scotland we can secure fair work.
“We will repeal Westminster’s anti trade union legislation.
“We will end age discrimination for those on the minimum wage. 

“Young workers should be valued the same as everyone else – and with independence we can ensure their pay packets reflect that.
“We will show how businesses can benefit from independence. 

“With EU membership they’ll be back inside the world’s biggest single market. 

“With a fairer migration policy and European freedom of movement restored, they will have access to talented and committed workers from Europe and across the world. 

“And they will have new opportunities to influence government policy through a social partnership approach.
“In short, with independence, we will show how we can break with the low productivity, high inequality Brexit based UK economy.
“And use the full powers of independence to build and inclusive, fair, wellbeing economy that works for everyone – that is the prize of independence.”

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