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Friday, July 26, 2024

Independence is The Only Route to Escape New Wave of Tory Austerity

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The SNP has said that it is “now a question of when, not if” Liz Truss will be removed from office after the Chancellor junked her disastrous mini-Budget and confirmed plans to usher in a new era of devastating Tory austerity.

The comments come after the Prime Minister’s second Chancellor in as many months confirmed plans to plough ahead with deep public spending cuts – despite Truss ruling out any cuts in public spending in Parliament just last week.

After ditching Truss’s entire mini-Budget, Jeremy Hunt stated that: 

“There will be more difficult decisions…on both tax and spending.”

He added that “some areas of spending will need to be cut.”

Responding to the Chancellor’s statement, the SNP’s Shadow Chancellor Alison Thewliss MP said:

“Liz Truss has run out of road.

“This is no longer a question of if but when the Prime Minister will be removed from office, after the Chancellor junked her disastrous mini-Budget.

“The Chancellor’s statement was more than just another round of screeching U-turns, it also confirmed plans to usher in a new era of devastating Tory austerity which will further entrench the poverty the Tories have caused.

“Rather than delivering real and targeted support as households and businesses grapple with a cost of living crisis, the Chancellor has instead scaled back the limited support that was in place and backed plans for deep public spending cuts.

“The game is up for Liz Truss. 

“The policies in the disastrous mini-Budget were hers and the responsibility for trashing the economy, putting people’s incomes, homes and pensions at risk lies squarely at her door. 

“It turns out that the only commitment she has not U-turned on was to ‘hit the ground’ when she took office.

“It’s clear beyond any doubt that the only route to escape a new wave of Tory austerity and economic chaos under Westminster control is to become an independent country.”

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