The Flow Country Partnership has received funding from the Community Loan Fund towards their pioneering peatland restoration project in Sutherland.
The fund is delivered by Highland Opportunity (Investments) Limited, HOIL, on behalf of The Highland Council.
The Community Loan fund aims to encourage and support Highland based community and third sector organisations to start up and grow and contribute to a thriving and sustainable Highland and Scottish economy.
Loans can be used for capital start up-costs, growth of an existing organisation, working capital and bridging finance, with a repayment period of 1 to 10 years.
Peatland restoration is a vital part of Scotland’s twin goals of reducing emissions and restoring nature.
The Flow Country Partnership was founded in 2006 and became a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (SCIO) in February 2024 to bring together a community including crofters, farmers, landowners/managers, local businesses, residents, ecologists and local government to grow the resilience of the Flow Country and its people.
This restoration will help achieve emission reduction by restoring the capacity of the peatlands to store carbon and improving biodiversity in the first and only peatland UNESCO World Heritage Site in the World.
The partnership approached HOIL for funding to finance the peatlands restoration project on a farming and sporting estate.
Securing loan funding before the sale of carbon credits will support its long-term aspirations to become a self-sustaining organisation whilst restoring and protecting the ecosystem.
The Flow Country Partnership is a SCIO, with a trading subsidiary, Flow Country Restoration Limited and blends public and private finance to deliver its objectives.
This project is supported by The Facility for Investment Ready Nature in Scotland (FIRNS) and is being delivered by NatureScot in collaboration with The Scottish Government and in partnership with the National Lottery Heritage Fund and the Scottish Government’s Peatland ACTION Fund.
Trustees, initiative partners and stakeholders, amongst others are The Highland Council, Highlands & Islands Enterprise, Skills Development Scotland, RSPB, North Highland Initiative, the Environmental Research Institute UHI and local landowners, farmers, crofters and estate owners.
Councillor Paul Oldham, Chair of HOIL said:
“I welcome this opportunity to help The Flow Country Partnership move forward with their Peatland Restoration project which not only helps improve the environment and create carbon storage but also brings local work to Caithness and Sutherland.
“The Community Loan Fund which is managed by HOIL provides accessible and affordable finance for community projects across the Highlands and is one of several funds we can use to help projects across the area.”
Graham Neville, Flow Country Partnership Vice-chair and director of Flow Country Restoration Limited added:
“We are pleased to have the support of Highland Opportunity (Investments) Limited for our peatland restoration project.
“This funding is a key step in restoring this vital landscape, which plays a crucial role in carbon storage and biodiversity, while also contributing to Scotland’s Net Zero ambitions.
“By working with local partners, we aim to create lasting community benefits, support sustainable carbon investments, and protect The Flow Country.”
To find out more about the support HOIL can provide to Highland community organisations and businesses please contact