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Friday, July 26, 2024

Labour Doubles Down on Support for Damaging Brexit Project

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Independence is the only way for Scotland to re-join the EU, the SNP has said, after Labour leader Keir Starmer doubled down on his support for Brexit in a column for the Daily Express.

Starmer wrote:

“Britain’s future is outside the EU.

“Not in the single market, not in the customs union, not with a return to freedom of movement.

“Those arguments are in the past, where they belong.”

The SNP is the only major party in the UK committed to reversing Brexit and securing Scotland’s membership of the EU.

Commenting, the SNP’s Europe and EU Accession spokesperson, Alyn Smith MP said:

“Labour and the Tories are now indistinguishable on Brexit – both deep in denial while the economy takes a hammering from this failed project.

“How Keir Starmer can look at the mess of Brexit and decide to just go along with it is madness, and shows what depths the Labour party will sink to in their attempt to get the keys to 10 Downing Street.

“There is no way to make Brexit work for Scotland – which voted overwhelmingly to remain and yet have been made to suffer its consequences all the same.

“Ordinary people are seeing their food prices rise astronomically because of Brexit – they should not be made to bear the brunt of this calamitous Brexit.

“The SNP is the only major party committed to re-joining the EU and reversing the devastating impact Brexit is having on our economy.

“And clearly, there is no alternative for Scotland while we remain attached to this broken Westminster system, showing exactly why we need the full powers of independence.”

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