A majority of people across the UK believe that it is likely that Scotland will become an independent country in the near future, a report published this week has found.
A Britainthinks “Mood of the Nation 2020” study of 2,028 adults across the UK revealed that 54% of the UK “public think it is very or fairly likely Scotland will vote to become independent in the next year or so” – only 28% think it is unlikely.
It also found that 64% of the Scottish public agree “people are increasingly in favour of Scottish independence.”
It comes after a landmark Ipsos/Mori poll conducted for STV concluded that of those expressing a view 58% of people would vote Yes in an independence referendum – and that the SNP are on course to win a historic majority in next year’s Holyrood election.
Commenting, SNP Depute Leader Keith Brown said:
“Voters here in Scotland, and across the UK, agree: independence is coming.
“Poll after poll shows a majority support in favour of independence – leaving the Westminster parties lost for words.
“Even Douglas Ross, Boris Johnson’s man in Scotland, admits that his bosses don’t care about Scotland.
“Brexit is a mess – more than a third of leave voters are now pessimistic about their decision – and no wonder with Boris Johnson telling the country to brace itself for a No Deal in the middle of a public health crisis.
“Clearly, it’s time for Scotland to avoid the self-inflicted catastrophe of dodgy trade deals and lower living standards by instead choosing our own future through independence.”