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Friday, July 26, 2024

New Poll Shows Majority Say Brexit Has a Negative Impact on The UK

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The SNP has said “Independence is the only way to regain Scotland’s place in Europe and get back on the path to prosperity” – as a new poll shows a majority of people across Britain think leaving the EU has had a negative impact on the UK.

The Ipsos MORI poll shows just 22% of people think Brexit has had a positive impact, compared to a majority (51%) who believe it has had a negative impact.

The poll also shows seven in ten people (69%) think the UK is “heading in the wrong direction”, compared to just 9% who think it is heading in the right direction.

It comes as Keir Starmer and Angela Rayner used appearances on LBC and ITV Peston this week to rule out any return to the EU, single market or customs union even if the Labour Party were to win the next general election.

A new video published by the BBC today shows the devastating impact of Brexit on the UK economy – with the evidence showing the UK is billions of pounds poorer with reduced trade and exports, a long-term decline in the value of the pound since 2016, and an OBR forecast that Brexit will reduce UK economic growth by 4% of GDP over 15 years.

In August, a Panelbase survey of 1,133 adults in Scotland for The Times found 69% of Scots want to rejoin the EU, up from 61% in January.

Commenting, SNP Westminster Leader Ian Blackford MP said: 

“Brexit has been a total disaster for Scotland and the UK.

“It has cost our economy billions of pounds, damaged trade, raised prices, squeezed household budgets – and sent the UK hurtling down a one-way street to long-term decline.

“The fact is, the UK economic and cost of living crisis is here to stay with Brexit.

“With the Tories and Labour Party both signed up to this economic self-sabotage, independence is the only way to regain Scotland’s place in Europe and get back on the path to prosperity.

“No one can trust anything Rishi Sunak or Keir Starmer have to say on the economy, when neither of them are willing to tell the truth about the devastating impact of Brexit. 

“They’re the Thelma and Louise of UK politics – driving the UK economy off a cliff and urging voters to hold tight rather than change course.

“Scotland needs independence to escape the damage of Westminster control – and grasp the opportunity to grow our economy in Europe.”

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