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Friday, July 26, 2024

People Worried About Money Urged to Seek Help

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Social Justice Secretary Shona Robison has said support is available for those facing financial hardship over the festive period

Urging people to access advice and check what help they may be entitled to, Ms Robison said:

“I know cost of living rises are putting a huge strain on households and people may be particularly worried about debt and keeping up with outgoings after Christmas.

“So please access the welfare and debt advice services that are available across the country, including Citizens Advice Scotland’s Money Talk Team, which is funded by the Scottish Government

“These services will help you ensure you are not paying more than you need to for essential goods and services like gas and electricity.

“They will tell you if you’re missing out on any benefits, grants and exemptions you are entitled to.

“The Money Talk Team website also includes resources to help you start dealing with debt – from collecting information about what you owe to making an affordable payment plan.

“If you would prefer to get advice from a service you already use, it’s worth checking if your local GP practice is one of more than 180 Welfare Advice and Health Partnerships helping people in their community.

“Anyone worried about affording essentials like food or fuel can also contact their local authority where they will be put in contact with local advice and support, including the Scottish Welfare Fund.

“More information on sources of support is available on our Cost of Living website (www.gov.scot/costofliving).”

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