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Friday, July 26, 2024

PM Now Has No Option But to Sack Chief Advisor

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No apology, no contrition, Cummings doubles down on double standards.

Commenting on the Dominic Cummings press conference, SNP Westminster Leader Ian Blackford MP (pictured) said:

“What should have been a resignation statement turned out to be a botched PR exercise that changes nothing.

“It is now beyond doubt Dominic Cummings broke multiple lockdown rules.

“There was no apology and no contrition from Mr Cummings for his behaviour – and now, following this unrepentant press conference, there are no excuses left for him.

“He has done nothing but double down on the double standards he has displayed and which millions of people across the UK are furious about.

“Let’s be clear there is nothing about Mr Cummings that is exceptional except his complete inability to realise he broke the rules.

“The Prime Minister has no option but to sack Mr Cummings.

“His failure to do so far is a gross failure of leadership.

“Boris Johnson has apparently known about this for weeks, has failed to offer any answers himself and now has no option but to sack Dominic Cummings and answer questions about his own role in the Downing Street cover-up.

“Boris Johnson’s failure to show leadership is damaging the public health message and putting lives at risk, as leading public health experts have warned.

“The longer the Prime Minister allows this farce to continue the more the Tory government will lose credibility and respect.

“He must sack Mr Cummings without further delay.”

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