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Friday, July 26, 2024

Public Consultation Event in Inverness on Bus Travel

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The Highland Council has developed a range of options for addressing existing problems and making improvements to bus travel in Inverness and are looking for public feedback to proposals.

Chair of the Economy and Infrastructure Committee, Councillor Ken Gowans said:

“Improvements have now been developed and are currently being appraised against a range of criteria.

“To feed into these appraisals we invite local businesses and the public to find out more and then comment on the options being considered.

“It would be great if as many people as possible attend and pass on their views.”

The information on three studies will be presented at an in-person public drop-in event on Wednesday December 14 between 4.30pm and 7.30pm at the Spectrum Centre, Farraline Park Bus Station in Inverness where members of the study teams will be available to answer any questions and explain more about the improvement proposals for these key routes within the City centre.

Further information relating to these studies as well as other ongoing projects within Inverness can also be found at the Bus Partnership Fund website www.highland.gov.uk/buspartnership 

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