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Friday, July 26, 2024

Public Services Under Threat From Westminster

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The SNP has said the UK government is “cutting public services to the bone” – after the Chancellor ushered in another decade of austerity cuts at the UK budget.

Commenting, SNP Economy spokesperson Drew Hendry MP said:

“The Tories trashed the economy, and now they’re taking the axe to public services – showing why it’s essential to vote SNP at the general election to make Scotland Tory-free and have the choice of a better future with independence.

“Scotland’s budget has already been slashed by the UK government – and now they are cutting public services to the bone.

“Worse still, there is no alternative on offer from Sir Keir Starmer’s Labour Party, who support Brexit and want to impose the same damaging Tory fiscal plans, which will slash services and starve the economy of the investment needed to secure growth.

“The UK economy is broken – and the damaging cuts in today’s budget will make it even worse by failing to properly invest in the green energy gold rush, choking off economic growth, and putting up to 100,000 jobs at risk in Scotland’s energy sector.

“With the UK cost of living soaring, it’s a scandal that Tory tax breaks will benefit the richest most – with any benefit for working families completely wiped out by the cost of rising rents, mortgages, bills and food prices.

“Unlike Sunak and Starmer, the SNP will always stand up for Scotland’s values and demand the best deal for families in Scotland.

“By voting SNP at the general election we can get rid of damaging Westminster governments for good with independence.”

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