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Friday, July 26, 2024

Ross Gives Backing to Pancreatic Cancer UK’s ‘No Time to Wait’ Campaign

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Moray MP Douglas Ross has showed his backing for Pancreatic Cancer UK’s ‘No Time to Wait’ campaign. 

Douglas attended an event hosted by the charity in Westminster last week which was held to mark Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month. 

The charity’s campaign is calling on governments across the UK to ensure that the NHS has the resources it requires so that patients can be diagnosed as quickly as possible if they have pancreatic cancer. 

Douglas says that will give patients in Moray the best possible chance of survival and ease the burden on other aspects of the health service, which are preparing to cope with extreme pressures over winter. 

While attending the event, Douglas heard that over 60 per cent of patients who are diagnosed with pancreatic cancer are being diagnosed while at A&E.

Often this is far too late for them and pancreatic cancer is the quickest killing cancer. 

Douglas met with the charity’s Scotland volunteer Penny Munro at the event and says she is an inspiration to everyone. 

He has urged the SNP Government to layout an urgent plan to transform survival rates for Pancreatic Cancer patients in Moray and across Scotland. 

Moray MP Douglas Ross said: 

“This event was hugely important and informative and I am pleased I had the opportunity to attend. 

“Given it is Pancreatic Cancer awareness month the disease is in sharp focus but sadly takes too many lives all year round. 

“And all too often patients are getting diagnosed too late.

“It is imperative that the SNP Government lay out a plan that guarantees patients will be diagnosed as quickly as possible. 

“Meeting someone like Penny Munro was hugely inspirational and shows what can be done for patients with the right strategy. 

“Not only would we be boosting patients chances of survival in Moray, we would also be easing the pressures on other aspects of our NHS which are under enormous strain as we head towards winter. 

“I hope the SNP Government will heed the calls of the No Time to Wait campaign from Pancreatic Cancer UK and lay out an urgent long-term strategy to boost survival rates. 

“Pancreatic Cancer is the quickest cancer killer but working closely with the charity I am determined to change that for patients in Moray and beyond.” 

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