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Friday, July 26, 2024

Senior Labour Politicians Shamed After Rape Clause U-Turn

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The SNP has slammed the Labour Party for their U-turn on abolishing the “abhorrent” two-child benefit cap – despite numerous senior Labour figures condemning the policy in recent years.

On at least six separate occasions, five senior Labour figures condemned the two-child benefit cap and urged for it to be scrapped. 

Since the Tories introduced the policy:

– Sir Keir Starmer published the following on his website: “Scrap the inhumane Work Capability Assessments and private provision of disability assessments, pledge to scrap punitive sanctions, two-child limit and benefits cap.”

– Anas Sarwar said: “This is the party that introduced the rape clause, which is a horrific piece of legislation, within their welfare reforms.”

– Mr Sarwar also said: “In addition, we will use the full extent of the Scottish parliament powers, as well as working with UK colleagues, to abolish the two-child cap, scrap the rape clause and make split payments”.

– Ian Murray said: “We could have debated Universal Credit and the £20 uplift becoming permanent, extending it to legacy benefits, removing the rape clause and helping those most in need”.

– Wes Streeting said: “Part of the solution for our broken social contract lies in restoring a social security system worthy of the name. In her report, ‘Making Ends Meet’, Alison McGovern identifies a series of immediate priorities to end the need for food banks: ending the two-child limit in universal credit to restore support to 250,000 children”.

– Jonathan Ashworth said: “We are very, very aware that this [two-child benefit cap] is one of the single most heinous elements of the system which is pushing children and families into poverty today”.

Commenting, Alison Thewliss MP said:

“This shameful U-turn from Labour underlines the point that Sir Keir Starmer’s party are no better than the Tories when it comes to social security. 

“This is despite, on no less than six occasions, senior Labour figures – including Sir Keir Starmer, Anas Sarwar and Ian Murray – highlighting how abhorrent this legislation is. 

“To date, the Labour Party have U-turned on: abolishing tuition fees, introducing rent controls, introducing free school meals, increasing taxes on the rich, and now the scrapping of the two-child benefit cap. 

“Voters will rightly ask: can we trust Labour to deliver on anything?

“At the next election, voters must be in no doubt that only the SNP are offering voters a real alternative through independence – which would rid Scotland of disgusting policies like the two-child cap once and for all.”

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