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Saturday, July 27, 2024

SNP Call on Targeted Support for Households This Winter

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The SNP has called on the UK government to deliver more targeted support to households during the Westminster-made cost of living crisis – as new analysis reveals thousands of people will start the winter behind on their energy bills.

Analysis from Citizens Advice has shown that 46,431 people with energy debts contacted the charity for advice in the first six months of 2023 – a 17% increase on the same period last year.

On average, those who phoned the charity had built up debts of around £1,711 – up one third on 2019’s figures. 

Amy Callaghan MP has warned that the Tories at Westminster have a responsibility to support households this winter given it was their economic mismanagement that left households abandoned in the first place.

Commenting, Amy Callaghan MP said:

“With winter fast approaching, the UK government must set out exactly what levels of targeted support it plans on delivering during this Westminster-made cost of living crisis. 

“Households right across Scotland are crying out for help, suffering from the actions of an economically illiterate UK government who care more about filling the pockets of their friends than helping working families. 

“It was the Tories at Westminster who crashed the economy; they have a responsibility to fix it. 

“In contrast, the SNP Scottish Government continue to support households through bold and progressive actions like the Scottish Child Payment and Best Start Grant – not to mention spending a staggering £600 million per year just to mitigate cruel Westminster policies.

“These are just some of the actions we have managed to take, all with one hand tied behind our back and working on a fixed budget.

“Can you just imagine what we could do with the full powers of a normal, independent country?

“At the next election, a vote for the SNP is a vote to tackle the cost of living crisis, reject cruel Westminster policies, and deliver a strong team of SNP MPs who only answer to their constituents and Scotland – not Westminster.”

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