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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Sunak & Truss Boosting Independence With Arrogant Out of Touch Policies

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The SNP has demanded the Tory leadership hopefuls apologise for their part in the Tory-made cost of living crisis, as they visit Scotland today.

Ahead of a hustings event with Tory members in Perth tonight, the party’s Westminster Leader highlighted Rishi Sunak and Liz Truss’s part in years of savage cuts to public services and a cruel welfare freeze that has pushed those on the lowest incomes into hardship.

It comes as a new opinion poll shows that both Sunak and Truss would boost support for independence, regardless of which one becomes Prime Minister.

SNP Westminster Leader Ian Blackford MP said:

“The only thing Rishi Sunak and Liz Truss should be coming to Scotland to do is to say sorry for their part in the spiralling Tory-made cost of living crisis which they have directly contributed to.

“But the fact that new polling evidence shows that both of them would boost support for independence, regardless of who becomes PM, should tell them all they need to know about how they are seen by the vast majority of people across Scotland.

“Boris Johnson is posted missing again as he takes another holiday while households see their finances pushed to the wall – but Sunak and Truss simply pander to an out of touch Tory membership.

“So as the Tory leadership circus rolls into Scotland, if the candidates want to have any credibility, they must apologise for the Tory failings that have pushed so many families to the brink.

“As for Sunak and Truss’s bids to outdo each other on trying to mount further attacks on devolution, it just shows how out of touch they are.

“Their plans to demand Scottish civil servants are forced to be grilled by Westminster committees amount to little more than sinister show trials, but also speaks volumes about their lack of confidence in Tory MSPs to do the job of scrutinising government.

“People across Scotland have had more than enough of this Tory government – and the only way to escape Westminster chaos and corruption is with independence.

“The evidence is clear – independent countries comparable to Scotland are happier, healthier and wealthier than the UK.

“During the cost of living crisis, many neighbouring countries have capped energy price increases, cut VAT on bills and offered meaningful financial support to the most vulnerable, the UK Tory government has sat on its hands – and both Rishi Sunak and Liz Truss have said nothing.

“Whoever wins this leadership contest, Scotland loses.

“That’s why we need the full powers of independence to banish Westminster governments Scotland doesn’t vote for and to deliver for the people who live here.”

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