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Friday, July 26, 2024

Super Poll Shows Almighty Tory Wipeout in Scotland

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A new super poll suggests the SNP would become the official opposition at Westminster, overtaking the Tories at a UK level who are set to be ‘cast out of the communities they have let down so badly.’

The poll, sampling over 28,000, underlines an overwhelming belief among 75% of Scots that Tories are corrupt and shows the SNP set to win 50 out of 59 – with the last remaining Scottish Tory MPs losing their seats, including Secretary of State for Scotland Alister Jack and Scottish Tory leader Douglas Ross.

Commenting SNP Depute Leader Keith Brown said:

“This poll shows that only the SNP can get rid Scotland of Westminster Tory governments for good. 

“While it is welcome to see the third poll in a matter of days showing huge support for the SNP, the projection that the SNP would become the official opposition at Westminster is another stark reminder of the current constitutional bourach. 

“Despite the SNP winning an estimated 50 seats out of the 59 available, Scotland will still not get the government it has voted for.

“The only difference would be the colour of the rosette. 

“And, as we know, Keir Starmer has no intention of reversing the Tories greatest damaging policy – Brexit.

“While we would be delighted to see the Tories’ electoral obliteration, cast out of the communities they have let down so badly, such a result would not address the fundamental issue of the democratic deficit that is built into the UK’s constitution.

“With Labour now being fully paid-up members of the hard-Brexit club, Scotland will still have to suffer the deep and lasting consequences of leaving the EU – and as history shows, the only guaranteed result of a Westminster Labour government is the Tory government that replaces it. 

“The only way Scotland can get rid of the Tories for good is by voting for independence with the SNP.”

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