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Saturday, November 2, 2024

Tagraichean ‘Air Leth’ a’ Tighinn Nam Buill de Chùirt UHI

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Tha Oilthigh na Gàidhealtachd agus nan Eilean (UHI) air ceathrar bhall neo-eisimeileach ùra a chur an dreuchd sa bhuidhinn riaghlaidh aca, a’ gabhail a-steach Àrd-Oifigear Àrainneachd Eachdraidheil Alba.

Cuiridh UHI fàilte air Alex Paterson, Eilidh NicAonghais, Allan Clow agus Heather Offord don Chùirt an t-seachdain-sa.

Thig na buill ùra an cuideachd bhuill làithreach na Cùirte ann a bhith a’ toirt seachad comhairle mu stiùireadh ro-innleachdail UHI.

Tha dreuchd Àrd-Oifigear aig Alex Paterson aig Àrainneachd Eachdraidheil Alba.

San dreuchd a bh’ aige roimhe mar Àrd-Oifigear Iomairt na Gàidhealtachd ‘s nan Eilean, bha e an urra ri leasachadh air prìomh roinnean nàiseanta, a’ cur ri fàs choimhearsnachdan agus gnothachais.

Tha gnàth-eòlas aige cuideachd air an roinn mhalairtich, agus e air ìrean tràthail a chùrsa-obrach a chur seachad le Esso Chemicals, Volvo agus Iomairt na h-Alba.

I stèidhichte ann an Uibhist a Deas agus Glaschu, tha Eilidh NicAonghais an-dràsta na Prionnsapal air Ruigsinneachd is Faotainneachdan Fearainn aig a’ chompanaidh lùth uaine chruinneil, Fortescue Future Industries.

Bha i roimhe ag obair san Sgioba Fearainn aig SSE Renewables agus Uisge na h-Alba.

Mar neach-tagraidh dìoghrasach às leth na Gàidhlig, tha i air fèisean ionadail a chur air dòigh roimhe seo tron bhuidhinn aice ‘Modrun’, ag altram cheanglaichean eadar luchd-labhairt na Gàidhlig agus luchd-ciùil, agus tha i air a bhith na preasantair air prògraman TBh agus rèidio sa Ghàidhlig.

Tha Allan Clow na Chunntasair Riaghlaidh Cairte aig an robh àrd-dhreuchdan ionmhais ann an caochladh bhuidhnean san roinn phrìobhaidich, nam measg CHAP Holdings agus Havelock Europa. 

Stèidhichte ann an Loch Bhraoin, tha e an-dràsta na Stiùiriche-Riaghlaidh air Bancon Homes agus Bancon Construction.

Tha e cuideachd na stiùiriche neo-ghnìomhach air Glencraft Mattresses, companaidh iomairt shòisealta neo-phrothaideach a tha a’ toirt cosnadh do dhaoine le cion-lèirsinne agus anacothroman eile.

Stèidhichte ann an Glaschu is freumhan aice anns an Òban, tha Heather Offord na Stiùiriche air a’ chompanaidh comhairleachaidh gnothachais, One4Growth.

Tha i air seirbheisean comhairleachaidh a sholarachadh do Chomann Rèidio-eòlaichean Eadar-theachdail Bhreatainn, Oilthigh Canterbury, Ceartas Coimhearsnachd na h-Alba agus STV.

Tha i cuideachd na ball comataidh de Bhoireannaich ann an Gnothachas ann an Alba, na h-urrasair aig Fonndas Cùraim Ghlaschu agus na comhairliche do Thriving Survivors, carthannas a tha a’ toirt taic don a h-uile duine a thàinig tro mhòr-chiùrradh.

Tha UHI cuideachd air fàilte a chuir air Paul Travill, a bha na Neach-clàraidh Acadaimigeach Cruinneil aig Oilthigh Heriot Watt, agus Liz Stiùbhart, Rianadair Ionmhais aig SSE Renewables, an roinn as motha de SSE earr., mar bhuill neo-eisimeileach cho-thaghte de chomataidhean a bhuineas don Chùirt.

Chaidh na buill ùra, a bhios a’ com-pàirteachadh air bhunait shaor-thoileach, a thaghadh às deidh iomairt trusaidh agus pròiseas taghaidh a tharraing freagairt mhòr, a’ gabhail a-steach ùidh bho thagraichean eadar-nàiseanta.

Agus e a’ cur fàilte air an naidheachd, thuirt Alastair MacColla, Cathraiche Cùirt UHI:

“Tha caochladh eachdraidhean aig buill ùra na cùirte againn agus iad a’ toirt an uabhais ghnàth-eòlais leotha.

“Is e an rud a th’ aca uile ann an cumantas, dealas fìor mhòr a thaobh nam builean a choileanas sinn do na h-oileanaich agus na sgìrean againn.

“Còmhla ri buill làithreach na cùirte againn, cuidichidh na buill ùra bharraichte seo UHI le cumail air adhart a’ dèanamh cinnteach gum bi ionnsachadh a’ ciallachadh barrachd, airson gach aon de na h-oileanaich againn agus de na coimhearsnachdan air a bheil sinn a’ frithealadh.”

Outstanding Appointees Join UHI Court 

The University of the Highlands and Islands (UHI) has appointed four new independent members to its governing body, including the Chief Executive of Historic Environment Scotland.

UHI will welcome Alex Paterson, Helen MacInnes, Allan Clow and Heather Offord to its Court this week.

The new appointees will join existing Court members in providing counsel on UHI’s strategic direction.

Alex Paterson holds the position of Chief Executive Officer of Historic Environment Scotland.

In his previous role as Chief Executive of Highlands and Islands Enterprise, he was responsible for the development of key national sectors, contributing to community and business growth.

His experience also stretches into the commercial sector, spending his early career with Esso Chemicals, Volvo and Scottish Enterprise.

Based in South Uist and Glasgow, Helen MacInnes is currently the Principal of Land Access and Acquisitions at the global green energy company, Fortescue Future Industries.

She previously worked in the Land Team at SSE Renewables and Scottish Water.

A passionate advocate for Gaelic, she has previously organised local festivals through her organisation ‘Modrun’, fostering connections between Gaelic speakers and musicians, and has contributed as a presenter for Gaelic TV and radio programmes.

Allan Clow is a Chartered Management Accountant who has held senior finance roles in a range of private sector organisations, including CHAP Holdings and Havelock Europa.

Based in Loch Broom, he is currently the Managing Director of Bancon Homes and Bancon Construction.

He also serves as a non-executive director of Glencraft Mattresses, a not-for-profit social enterprise company which provides employment for visually impaired and other disadvantaged people.

Based in Glasgow with roots in Oban, Heather Offord is the Director of the business consultancy firm One4Growth.

She has provided consultancy services to the British Society of Interventional Radiologists, Canterbury University, Community Justice Scotland and STV. She is also a committee member of Scottish Women in Business, a trustee of the Glasgow Care Foundation and a consultant for Thriving Survivors, a charity which supports all survivors of trauma.

UHI has also welcomed Paul Travill, former Global Academic Registrar at Heriot Watt University and Liz Stewart, Financial Controller at SSE Renewables, the largest division of SSE plc, as co-opted independent members of Court committees.

The new appointees, who will participate on a voluntary basis, were selected following a recruitment campaign and selection process which attracted a substantial response, including interest from international candidates.

Welcoming the news, Alastair MacColl, UHI’s Chair of Court, said:

“Our new Court members come from a range of backgrounds and bring a vast amount of experience.

“What they all have in common is an overwhelming commitment to the outcomes we achieve for our students and our regions.

“Along with our existing Court members, these outstanding appointees will help UHI continue to make learning mean more, for each and every one of our students and the communities we serve.”

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