16 C
Friday, July 26, 2024

Taisbeanadh am Metagama aig Sgoil LacasdailĀ 

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Tha Sgoil Lacasdail agus Roinn Foghlam, Sgilean agus Seirbheisean Chloinne na Comhairle air leth toilichte ainmeachadh gun tĆØid oidhche a chumail aig Sgoil Mhicneacail gus ceud bliadhna on a sheĆ²l am Metagama Ć  SteĆ²rnabhagh air an 21mh Giblean 1923 a chomharrachadh. 

Gabhaidh an oidhche Ć ite air Diciadain 19 Giblean 23 2023 aig 6.30f.  

Bidh sgoilearan Lacasdail aā€™ taisbeanadh nan sgilean drĆ ma, ceĆ²l agus seinn air an Ć rd-Ć¹rlar. 

Chaidh an sgriobt a sgrƬobhadh le Duncan Norman MacLeĆ²id agus bidh Patsi NicChoinnich aā€™ nochdadh air an Ć rd-Ć¹rlar na seanchaidh air an oidhche. 

Cuideachd, bidh Torquil MacLeĆ²id a cur a-mach nan salm agus Ronnie Moireach aā€™ seinn a thuilleadh air taice ciĆ¹il eile bho James Duncan MacChoinnich agus Iain MacIomhair.

Gheibhear tiogaidean aig aā€™ cheangal a leanas.  


Bidh aā€™ chuirm seo an asgaidh airson daoine ach thĆØid cruinneachadh a dhĆØanamh air an doras airson Bethesda.

Laxdale Matagame Performance

Laxdale School and Comhairle nan Eilean Siarā€™s Department of Education, Skills and Childrenā€™s Services are delighted to announce their performance as part of the series of events commemorating one hundred years since the Metagama sailed from Stornoway on the 21st of April 1923.

This eagerly anticipated event will take place at The Nicolson Institute on Wednesday the 19th of April 2023 at 6.30pm. 

Pupils from Laxdale school will showcase their acting, singing and musical skills in what promises to be a memorable evening. 

Duncan Norman MacLeod wrote the script and has worked closely with the school for several months in bringing this to fruition. 

Former pupil of Laxdale school, Patsi MacKenzie, will take to the stage in the role of  ā€˜seanchaidhā€™.  

Performing on the evening will also be Torquil MacLeod and Ronnie Murray with additional musical support from Iain MacIver and James Duncan MacKenzie.

Tickets are available at the following link on a first come, first served basis.


The event is free to attend but a silver collection for Bethesda will be at the door.

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