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Friday, July 26, 2024

The Chieftain Comedy Club – A New Comedy Club for the Highlands & Islands

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A new comedy club has been formed in Inverness with the aim of promoting new comedic talent in the Highlands and Islands.

The Chieftain Comedy Club will meet on the first Thursday of every month at the Chieftain Hotel in Inverness with the initial meeting on the 7th of April this year.

The club, which will help both established and new comedians with writing and performing also hopes to have outreach sessions across the region on a regular basis.

Gary Campbell, who chairs the club, said:

“Inverness was previously host to the very successful Teuchters Comedy Club which closed in 2021.

“That forum allowed myself and others to get start in comedy and there has been a void ever since, hence the creation of the Chieftain Comedy Club”

Explaining the need for such a club, Mr Campbell said:

“As well as myself, others who got their break at the old club include a number who went on to perform at the nationally renowned Stand clubs in Edinburgh and Glasgow and some made it on to national TV.”

Those who have benefitted from the club scene in Inverness include Rab Mulheron who has headlined at venues across the UK.

He was also the inspiration behind Scotland’s Adult Comedy Show, which is touring across the Country this year ending with a homecoming performance at Eden Court Theatre in October.

Mr Campbell said:

“Also making a mark is the ‘Rude & Good’ comedy duo who have just performed at the Glasgow International Comedy Festival, which is great news for the Highlands.

“Regular comedy shows like those at the Revolution bar in Inverness have also been born out of the old club scene and offer a local platform to those who wish to take the next step and try out what they’ve learned at commercial performance level”

The club nights at the Chieftain Hotel will be split into two separate sections.

The first half will be for those who want to write in partnership or in larger groups with the second period being for practice performances.

Joe Sweeney, Creative Convenor of the club and one of the two halves of Rude & Good, said:

“We’ve already had interest from people who want to write but not perform and we know from our own experience that when you get a group of creative people together, the material just gets better and better.

“The performing section will have five-minute slots for people who want to try out ‘open mic’ style as well as longer sections for those who want to hone their talents in front of a supportive audience”.

Liz Lawson, proprietor of the Chieftain Hotel said:

“I’m delighted to help support the club and give them a regular venue.

“We’ve hosted Scotland’s Adult Comedy show a number of times over the past few months and a club like this can only help others who want to see if a career in comedy is for them”

The club can be contacted via the Chieftain Comedy Club Facebook page.

To contact the club click here.

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