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Friday, July 26, 2024

The Minister for Transport Does Not Commit to 2030 Deadline for Dualling of A96

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Highlands and Islands Labour MSP Rhoda Grant is incredibly disappointed that the Minister for Transport is “backtracking” on the 2030 deadline to complete dualling of A96.

The Minister for Transport, Jenny Gilruth, has answered Mrs Grant’s Written Parliamentary Question which asked whether the Scottish Government still anticipates that the dualling of the A96 will be completed by 2030.

In the Minister’s response, she says that:

“Delivery can only commence if approved under the relevant statutory procedures and thereafter a timetable for progress can be set in line with available budgets.”

The Regional MSP believes this is all the confirmation Moray residents need that the Scottish Government is not prioritising this route.

Rhoda Grant MSP says:

“As expected, the Scottish Government have began to backtrack on this impossible 2030 deadline. They missed the boat several years ago.

“Our SNP Government originally committed to dualling this route in 2011 so they have no excuse.

“Although this is not surprising, it is still incredibly disappointing.

“Moray residents deserve better as this route is increasingly becoming more dangerous.”

Scottish Labour Councillor for Elgin City North Sandy Keith says:

“Promises were made by the current Scottish Government to dual the A96 by 2030.

“It now looks like the Transport Minister is signalling that won’t happen and this is a betrayal of the communities along the route.”

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