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The UK’s Most Wanted Companies to Work for

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  • Tesco leads the line in Google searches for jobs and careers, with 362,000 average searches per month
  • Amazon and Asda take second and third respectively
  • Supermarkets dominate the list, taking up seven of the top ten spots

New research has revealed the top companies Brits want to work for right now. 

The study by marketing training hub School of Marketing analysed the top searches for jobs and careers on Google, to see which private sector companies Brits are keenest to work for currently.

Tesco came out as the most popular company, with the multinational supermarket seeing more than 362,000 searches a month on average for openings.

There are, on average, 232,000 searches a month for ‘Tesco jobs’ and 130,000 a month for ‘Tesco careers’.

It’s by far the most popular company to work for at the moment, with more than 150,000 searches over second place Amazon.

Amazon takes second place, with more than 184,000 searches a month for ‘Amazon jobs’ and more than 12,000 monthly searches for ‘Amazon careers’, adding up to an average of 196,000 searches a month for Amazon opportunities from Brits.

Coming in third place with more than 138,000 searches a month for openings is Asda.

This is thanks to more than 114,000 searches for ‘Asda jobs’ and 24,000 searches monthly for ‘Asda careers’.

Sainsbury’s comes in the fourth position on the list, with 111,000 monthly searches for ‘Sainsbury’s jobs’ and 17,000 searches a month for ‘Sainsbury’s careers’, totalling 128,000 searches a month.

Royal Mail comes in fifth place as one of three entries in the top ten that aren’t supermarkets.

On average, there are 116,000 searches a month for ‘Royal Mail jobs’ and 11,000 searches for ‘Royal Mail careers’ adding up to a total of 127,000.

#Company“Jobs” searches“Careers” searchesTotal monthly searches
Tesco232,000 130,000 362,000 
Amazon184,000 12,000 196,000 
Asda114,000 24,000 138,000 
Sainsburys111,000 17,000 128,000 
Royal Mail116,000 11,000 127,000 
Morrisons71,000 9,300 80,300 
Waitrose64,000 4,400 68,400 
Lidl44,000 18,000 62,000 
Aldi50,000 10,000 60,000 
10 Primark41,000 13,000 54,000 

Commenting on the findings, Ritchie Mehta, CEO of School of Marketing, said:

“It’s clear where the interest in the private sector job market lies now, and it’s in supermarkets.

“Additionally, some supermarkets are much more popular for job prospects than others. 

“With major brands at the top of many people’s minds when they begin a job search, smaller businesses need to work harder to find and attract skilled employees.

“One extremely effectively way to do that is to take advantage of initiatives such as the Apprenticeship Levy scheme to bring in new staff or train current ones in digital and data-led programmes, with the vast majority of the training cost covered by the levy.” 

The study was conducted by the School of Marketing, which offers leading digital and data marketing apprenticeships.

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