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Tìr nan Òg: A new Angus Og Inspired Youth Arts Club is Set to Commence at The Skye and Lochalsh Archive Centre

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High Life Highland is delighted to announce that the Skye and Lochalsh Archive Centre has successfully secured Highland Cares Mental Health and Wellbeing funding to support ‘Tìr nan Òg’, a new Angus Og inspired club for teenagers aged 13 to 18.

The club will take place every Wednesday at 3:45pm to 5:15pm from the 6th September until the 6th December, covering everything from media to graphics.

Titled ‘Tìr nan Òg’, or ‘Land of the Young’, the club will give young people the opportunity to explore Skye and Lochalsh Archive Centre’s extensive collection of original Angus Og cartoons and other related archive material, using this as inspiration for their own creative responses.

Katharine Macfarlane, High Life Highland’s Archives Project Officer, said:

“This is the perfect opportunity for young people who love storytelling, art, animation, film, music, chatting or any other form of creative expression!

“The group will be invited to explore the collection whilst pulling out issues that they feel are most relevant to themselves and their communities.”

Angus Og was created by cartoonist Ewen Bain and his adventures were based on the fabled Isle of Drambeg in the Utter Hebrides, published between 1960-1989.

A full collection of original Angus Og cartoons is currently held in Skye and Lochalsh Archive Centre following the donation of Ewen Bain’s original drawings and other documents by his daughter Rhona Flin.

Katherine continued:

“Materials, support, and guidance will be provided to aid attendees in crafting responses either through drawing, comic creation, storytelling, animation, or anything else they feel inspired to share in their individual art kits and project diaries.

“From previous outreach work, it is our understanding that young people are keen to discuss important local political and cultural issues, but don’t often have the opportunity to get their voices into the right spheres.

“The opportunity for discussion is a key aspect of the club, and we’re sure that the humorous nature of the cartoons will lead to some entertaining discussions on these topics that empower young, emergent local voices in the creative medium of their choice.

“The creative output from this project will be used to raise awareness of current local issues through a linked exhibition and online showreel of anonymised work, with the aim of raising awareness of local issues and how to access local support networks.”

To join this new group, please email skyeandlochalsh.archives@highlifehighland.com, call 01478 614078, or pop into the Round Room at the Sky and Lochalsh Archive Centre on Elgin Road (opposite Portree Community Library) by 1st September.

Steve Walsh, High Life Highland’s Chief Executive, concluded:

“It’s such an honour for High Life Highland to host the original collection of Angus Og comics at the Skye and Lochalsh Archive Centre.

“Moreover, High Life Highland is delighted to be bringing the important voices of young people to the forefront through this valuable collection and look forward to sharing the ‘Tìr nan Òg’ exhibition in due course.”

High Life Highland’s Highland Archive Service are currently working to digitise and conserve the collection of Angus Og cartoons after receiving funding from the Scottish Government.

The funding is part of the National Island Plan which was awarded to all Scottish local authority areas with island populations and seeks to support the development of cultural and historic resources; encouraging Island residents to engage with, and participate in, arts and culture.

The funding will be used to support, develop and promote the creative talents of Islanders, and ensure that the culture of Scotland’s islands has a wide audience both nationally and abroad.

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