A devastating new report by the DWP has admitted the impact the cruel Tory sanctions regime is having on people on the lowest incomes.
The report found those claiming Universal Credit who have received a sanction are more likely to take on a lower paid job than someone who has received no sanctions.
Sanctioned UC claimants on average earned £34 a month less than a non-sanctioned person.
The impact was felt even harder by young people, with people under-26 who received a sanction earning £43 a month less than an unsanctioned person in the same age group.
The SNP has reiterated its calls for the Tory UK government to ditch the cruel benefits sanction regime and follow in the footsteps of the Scottish Government by building a social security system based on fairness, dignity and respect.
Commenting, SNP Social Justice spokesperson David Linden MP said:
“This devastating report, which was kept under wraps by the Tories for years, has exposed the harsh reality for households up and down the country.
“The sanctions regime introduced by the Tories just pushes people deeper into poverty and, as this report shows, does not help get people back into higher paid jobs.
“In fact it keeps them on Universal Credit for longer and leads to them taking lower paid jobs.
“It is a tale of two governments for the people of Scotland.
“The Scottish Government is building a social security system built on fairness, dignity and respect that provides a safety net for those on the lowest incomes and does not punish them with sanctions.
“However, it continues to act with one hand tied behind its back by a Westminster system that works against the people, not for them.
“And things will not improve under a pro-Brexit Labour government who will not get rid of the cruel sanctions regime.
“The only way for Scotland to build a fairer, more equal country is by becoming an independent country.”