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Tories Mocked for Promising Brexit Big Wins While Economy Sheds Billions

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Absurd fantasy comes in week ONS revealed £20 Billion blow to UK exports.

The SNP has said Tory ministers are “peddling blatant lies and absurd fantasies” by claiming Brexit ‘big wins’ are just round the corner, when Brexit has cost the UK billions in damage.

In his first interview since becoming Minister for Brexit Opportunities, Jacob Rees-Mogg told the Sunday Express he would be a “loud hailer” for “big wins” in the pipeline, including a “Brexit dividend”, “transformed” economy, and “significantly higher” GDP and standards of living, which would mean “the EU would look at us in horror”.

Dr Philippa Whitford MP said the comments proved the Tory government was divorced from reality, in a week where ONS trade figures revealed UK exports to the EU have fallen by £20billion since 2018, and when the Tory cost of living crisis is costing families thousands.

The SNP Brexit spokesperson said independence is the only way for Scotland to regain the benefits of EU membership – and escape the damage of Westminster control.

Polls consistently show the overwhelming majority of Scots think Brexit has gone badly.

A YouGov poll earlier this month found 75% of Scots think the UK hasn’t benefited from Brexit, compared to 65% across the UK.

Commenting, SNP Brexit spokesperson Dr Philippa Whitford MP said:

“It’s extraordinary that despite all the damage they’ve caused, Boris Johnson’s extreme Brexit fantasists are still trying to con people into believing the ‘benefits’ of Brexit are just around the corner, if only we wait long enough.

“Tory ministers are peddling blatant lies and absurd fantasies, when the cold hard reality is Brexit has cost the Scottish and UK economies billions of pounds, compounding the Tory cost of living crisis, and stripping UK citizens of their rights to live, work and travel in Europe without barriers.

“The Tory government is divorced from reality.

“There is no question that the UK is worse off as a result of Brexit.

“Just this week, trade figures revealed UK exports to the EU fell by £20billion in 2021 compared to 2018.

“At a time when the economy should be moving forwards, Brexit is dragging it backwards and making people poorer.

“The people looking on in horror are those of us in Scotland, who can see the long-term damage being done against our will.

“Independence is now the only way to keep Scotland safe from Westminster control and regain the benefits of EU membership, including a more prosperous future.”

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