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Friday, July 26, 2024

Tories Must U-Turn on Triple Lock Scrap

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The SNP is urging the UK government to “do the right thing” and U-turn on plans to scrap the Triple Lock on pensions – or face driving millions of pensioners into another decade of debt.

The call comes as the House of Lords overwhelmingly rejected the Prime Ministers plans by 280 votes to 178, a majority of 102.

The decision to scrap the Triple Lock will leave pensioners £520 worse off next year, and a cumulative £2,600 worse off over the next five years.

Figures from the Office of National Statistics (ONS) concluded that the state pension rate will rise by 3.1% in April, however by maintaining the Triple Lock the state pension would have increased by 8.3%.

Commenting, the SNP’s Work and Pensions spokesperson David Linden MP (pictured) said:

“Under Westminster control, Scotland’s pensioner’s already have among the least generous pensions in north west Europe – and now the Tories are making the situation even worse.

“This thumping defeat in the House of Lords now gives Boris Johnson an opportunity to do the right thing and U-turn on this gross pension injustice.

“For years, pensioners have been hammered by the Tories therefore it truly beggars belief that instead of trying to make amends, they want to increase poverty levels by scrapping the Triple Lock and freezing benefits older people depend on.

“I am urging the Prime Minister and Chancellor to finally see sense and U-turn on this callous cut once and for all.

“Failure to do so will drive millions of pensioners into another decade of debt.

“There can be no doubt that under Westminster rule, the Tories are destroying any chance of Scotland having a fair recovery from the pandemic.

“The only way to keep Scotland and its pensioners safe from Tory cuts and the long-term damage of Brexit is by becoming an independent country.”

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