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Friday, July 26, 2024

Tory Budget Robs The Poor to Pay The Rich

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The SNP has said the Tory government is “robbing the poor to pay the rich” after the Chancellor announced ordinary taxpayers will foot the bill for the energy company bail out and multi-billion pound tax breaks for big business and high earners.

Responding to the statement, Alison Thewliss MP said the measures announced “do not go anywhere near far enough” to help low and middle income families and small businesses – and will see the most wealthy benefit to the tune of billions at the expense of ordinary families. 

The SNP Shadow Chancellor said energy-rich Scotland is being forced to pay the price for years of Westminster failure – and only independence can give Scotland the powers needed to maximise its energy potential and secure its supply.

Commenting, SNP Shadow Chancellor Alison Thewliss MP said:

“Scotland is an energy-rich country that shouldn’t be facing a fuel poverty crisis – but, yet again, we are being forced to pay the price of Westminster failure.

“It’s clearer than ever that Scotland needs the full powers of independence to realise our energy potential and keep families safe.

“The measures announced by the Chancellor today do not go anywhere near far enough to mitigate the Tory-made cost of living crisis, and it’s shameful that the Tory government is increasing energy prices again to £2,500 instead of introducing a real freeze on bills.

“Many households will be paying double what they paid last year.

“Worse still, the Tories are robbing the poor to pay the rich by forcing taxpayers to foot the bill for this energy company bail out – and for the multi-billion pound tax breaks they are giving to big business and high earners.

“The Tory Chancellor is a reverse Robin Hood – taking billions of pounds away from ordinary families, small businesses and our NHS, and handing it over to the richest people and biggest businesses in the UK.

“After a decade of Tory cuts and Brexit damage, the UK already had the worst poverty and inequality in north west Europe – before energy bills began to rise.

“Now millions of families will be pushed further into hardship and saddled with billions in public debt. 

“The UK government must urgently come back with an emergency budget to fix the mess it has created.

“Instead of boosting bankers’ bonuses, it must target resources at low and middle income families and small businesses, including by cutting energy bills, introducing a Real Living Wage, reversing Tory cuts to Universal Credit and lifting the benefits cap.

“By failing to act, the UK government is demonstrating that independence is the only way to keep Scotland safe and build a fair, green and prosperous future.”

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