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Friday, July 26, 2024

Tory Chaos Prioritised Over Support on Cost of Living Crisis

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The chaos of internal Tory fighting and the leadership contest has been prioritised over cost-of-living support, the SNP has said.

The party’s Business, Energy, and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) spokesperson, Stephen Flynn MP, has warned that while the Tories are engrossed in settling their internal disputes, their ‘eyes are off the ball’. 

At BEIS questions this morning (Tuesday) the Secretary of State, Kwasi Kwarteng, responded to the Aberdeen South MP’s demands for action by saying ‘I’m sure there will be a customary budget or statement in November’.

Blasting the response, Mr Flynn warned families’ bills were rising now, and that with wages stagnating and inflationary pressures putting even more strain on household finances there is no time to lose.

Commenting, Stephen Flynn MP said:

“This Tory government’s freefall is coming at the cost of crucial support and investment to help the most vulnerable people in the country who are set to be shafted even further by seemingly ever-increasing energy bills.

“Every minute the Tories spend squabbling over which lame-duck gets to replace the last we see more families and households pushed into severe hardship over the Tory-made cost of living crisis – their eyes are off the ball.

“It’s not enough for Ministers to say they’re sure there will be an update in due course, people’s energy bills are sky-high now, their wages are stagnating now, and their fears over whether or not they can put food on the table are worrying them now – we must see more action urgently.

“Under the Tories we’re suffering one of the most brutal cost of living crises in living memory, and we’ve been subject to out of control inflation, tax hikes, and cruel social security cuts.

“No changing of the guard will reverse those decisions, nor will it set the country, and households, on the right track to success.

“At this point it’s clear the Conservative party, and the entire Westminster system, will never be able to meet the needs of the people of Scotland – proving once again why we should take the full powers of independence to properly support the Scottish people. 

“Thankfully people in Scotland will have the opportunity next year to grasp those powers and end Tory rule over Scotland permanently by voting for independence.”

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