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Friday, July 26, 2024

Tory Inaction Over Cost of Living Crisis Utterly Unforgivable

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PM posted missing while leadership rivals squabble.

SNP Westminster Leader Ian Blackford MP has today branded the UK Government’s inaction on the cost of living crisis as “utterly unforgiveable”, as Boris Johnson fails to take any action to help those struggling with household bills amid renewed warnings of soaring energy costs this winter.
It follows the call yesterday from First Minister Nicola Sturgeon for an urgent summit on the crisis – but Downing Street has said no action will be taken until a new PM is in place.
Mr Blackford said:
“The UK Tory Government’s lack of action on the cost of living emergency is utterly unforgivable.
“At a time of growing crisis, there is a complete absence of leadership, direction or even presence – where there should be grip and action there is a vacuum.
“Boris Johnson is posted missing in his final weeks in office meanwhile Rishi Sunak and Liz Truss squabble amongst themselves in an attempt to pander to Tory members, ignoring the catastrophic situation millions of households are now facing.
“People cannot wait another month until the new Prime Minister is in place for financial support, and expecting them to do so shows just how out-of-touch the Westminster government is.
“Many have already used up any savings they had, and those who had none to begin with are facing, or being pushed further into, poverty and destitution. 
“The SNP Scottish Government is doing what it can for people in Scotland with the powers it holds, including uprating benefits and increasing the Scottish Child Payment, but Westminster holds the majority of the purse strings and needs to step up.
“The Prime Minister should get back to his desk and recall Parliament so MPs can put solutions on the table for how we support people through this Tory-made cost-of-living crisis.
“What this crisis shows all too clearly is the urgent need for Scotland to be independent so we can take these decisions ourselves and help those in need rather than relying on an uncaring, out of touch Westminster system which is broken beyond repair.”

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