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Friday, July 26, 2024

Truss Costs Every Scots Household £10,000 in One Month

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Liz Truss has cost Scottish households nearly £10,000 in her first month as Prime Minister as billions are wiped from the UK’s economy.

According to Bloomberg, UK bonds and stock markets lost £300bn in one month under Liz Truss, the equivalent of £24bn to Scotland, or £4,472 per person and £9,667 per household in Scotland.

Commenting, SNP MSP Michelle Thomson said:

“Liz Truss’s plans for ‘Growth, Growth, Growth’ have fallen at the first hurdle and instead we are getting ‘Fail, Fail, Fail’ from the new Prime Minister and her Cabinet.

“It has demonstrated why Scotland needs to forge its own path towards independence and away from the chaos of Westminster.

“Truss’s first month as PM has been a complete disaster and it is hitting the pockets of Scots hard.

“As a direct result of the decisions she has made, the pound has fallen to record levels, the economy has plummeted, mortgages rates have soared, and pensions have been put at risk.

“We have already seen what the priorities of this government are as they remove the cap on bankers’ bonuses whilst drawing up plans to slash benefits for thousands during a Tory-made cost of living crisis.

“At every turn, Westminster continues to fail the people of Scotland and the only way we can escape the instability of the UK is by becoming independent.”

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