9.1 C
Saturday, July 27, 2024

Warning – Business Grants Scam

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The COVID-19 crisis has seen an unprecedented rise in scams across the whole of the UK and Comhairle nan Eilean Siar Trading Standards & Police Scotland are issuing a warning to local businesses about a new scam that has come to light, regarding business grants.

This scam involves an unsolicited email claiming to be from the local authority informing the business that they have been successful in their Covid business grant application and to follow a link to authorise details of the nominated bank account of the business to allow payment to be processed. 

If this link is followed and detailed information about the business is provided, this could then be used for fraudulent purposes.

A spokesperson for Trading Standards states:

“At a time when many businesses are struggling and really need to make use of the business grants available, we can rely on the unscrupulous scammers to step in and attempt to make a bad situation even worse.

“We urge all businesses to check emails received very carefully, and if it is from a source not known to you, do not respond.”

For any concerns or to check validity of emails regarding business grants Business Gateway can be contacted on 01851 822775 or businessgateway@cne-siar.gov.uk.

Business Gateway also provide online tutorials aimed at keeping your business safe online, very worthwhile to invest in some time looking these over – links are as follows:



Further information and advice regarding business cyber security can also be found at https://www.scotland.police.uk/keep-safe/246633/ and https://www.sbrcentre.co.uk/

General scam emails and calls can be reported to CNES Trading Standards on 01851 822694 or email details to ts@cne-siar.gov.uk If you suspect that you have been a victim of fraud, please report this to the Police on 101.

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