A new poll demonstrates why Scotland must use Both Votes SNP to re-elect Nicola Sturgeon to lead Scotland through the pandemic into recovery.
The Survation poll for The Courier and P&J newspapers puts the SNP on 49% in the constituency vote, with the Tories on 21%, Labour on 20%, the LibDems on 9%.
In the list vote, the SNP poll 37% and Labour on 19% push the Tories into third on 18%.
The Greens are on 11%, the LibDems on 9%, and Alba trailing on 3%.
The poll also gives a resounding endorsement to Nicola Sturgeon’s leadership through the Covid crisis.
SNP Depute Leader Keith Brown said:
“To ensure Nicola Sturgeon is the First Minister to lead us out of the pandemic the people of Scotland need to give both votes to the SNP on May 6.
“These are serious times which need serious leadership and Nicola Sturgeon is the only credible candidate for First Minister.
“Just as she has led the nation through the past 12 months of crisis, she will lead us through recovery to build a happier, fairer, better Scotland and keep our NHS safe.
“In the first week of the campaign the SNP has set out bold new ideas to protect our NHS, create and support jobs, and take on the challenges in our society like child poverty.
“And when the COVID crisis is over people in Scotland deserve the right to decide whether or not they want to become an independent country so decisions about Scotland are made by the people who live here and not Boris Johnson.
“By giving both votes to the SNP we can re-elect Nicola Sturgeon as First Minister and put Scotland’s future in Scotland’s hands.”